15. Air Vents

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A/N: Hey you guys, I know it's been forever! I haven't even had the time to thank each of you and respond to your comments like I usually do! 

I'm really sorry!

I was thinking of finishing one story off at a time, but I've just gotten so many comments on this to upload. So I'm uploading. If you could help me out with ideas and things you want to see in the next part, I promise I'll upload again within the week!

xoxo and I'm really, really sorry!


Jazz lifts Alice up and she nimbly climbs into the air vent. And it only takes a moment for Jazz to make up his mind and decide to follow Alice. Just great, could things get any better?

               “Get your ass up here Henry!” Alice snarls from above.

Hey, what’s the worst that can happen, right?

I reach for the vent and pull myself through. Alice and Jazz are already crawling down the long vent. With a small sigh, I follow them.

It takes barely a moment for us to stop right above Edward and Nessie.

The two of them are still huddled up, talking quietly to each other. God damn it! Why can’t they just leave each other alone?!

               “Do you smell something?” Edward suddenly asks, staring around him in agitation.

Great! You’d think that the three of us would have realised Edward would pick up on our scent, huh? Nope, we obviously aren’t all that intelligent after all.

               “What smell?” Nessie asks, looking around her to find out what had agitated Edward.

Edward remains silent for a while before he releases a low snarl. Shit! He knows it’s us. He looks right above him at the vent and glowers slightly, almost as if he could see us.

               “Excuse me for a minute,” Edward mutters steely and walks out of the cafe.

Either he remembers everything now, or he’s about to climb into the vent to come get us. And for some reason, I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.

I tug on Jasper’s shirt and motion for him to keep going forward. He nods his head and shoves Alice along. We keep crawling through the vent until Edward’s scent hits our noses. He isn’t far behind. Damn it!

The next thing I know, Edward grabs onto my leg and I throw him a quick smile, hoping it would portray innocence.

               “What are you doing up here?!” Edward snarls quietly, so quietly that none of the humans would be able to hear us.

               “Enjoying the view?” I suggest, barely able to stop myself from laughing.

               “I don’t get it! Why is it such a huge issue for you guys?! Why can’t you leave me alone to do what I want?! Have I ever judged you guys?!” Edward continues.

               “God Damn It! Edward, Nessie is your daughter! That’s why!” Jasper murmurs, his eyes cold.

In surprise, Edward releases my leg. You see, when he released me, I lost my balance and knocked into Jasper who knocked into Alice. Alice fell through the little gap in the vent and then it was like a domino effect. Jazz fell in, I fell in and Edward fell in.

I took a few moments for the dust to settle, but when it did I realised we had fallen into the men’s toilet. Alice looked around her in disgust and turned her nose up daintily while she dusted herself off. Jazz was hovering over Alice, helping her dust off. Edward on the other hand was sitting on the floor, looking slightly sick.

I crouched down in front of him and grabbed onto his shoulders. “Are you alright, Edward?”

He remained silent, gazing off into space.

               “Alice? Jazz? What’s wrong with Edward?” I asked quietly.

In a second, Jazz had pushed me out of the way and was crouching down beside Edward. Alice remained where she was, her gaze blank. She was obviously looking into what would happen.

Then, as if shocked, Jazz jumped backwards grabbing onto Alice’s hand. Before I could even ask what was happening, Edward launched himself at me, absolutely livid.

               “You let me go on a date with my daughter?!” he shouted, his cold voice reverberating through the bathroom.

I threw a disgusted look at Jazz and Alice who were snickering in the corner, Betrayers!

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