Chapter 9: Part One, You're a What?

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               "What happened?" I asked looking into his beautiful blue eyes. We just stared at each other for a long time, when finally he took his hands and placed them on either side of my face, and brought his lips to mine. At first I struggled, hitting him and trying to escape his grasp but soon I gave up and began kissing him back. As I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his hands were at my waist I wondered how this happened. All I wanted to know was the truth and this is how we end up. But no matter how much my common sense told me to stop I just couldn't. I needed him; I needed to feel his touch I needed his lips on mine. As the kisses got deeper, he shifted so I was under him and he was on top of me, hovering over me so I wasn't crushed beneath his weight. Even though he was trying not to crush me I needed to feel his body against mine, I brought my arms around his shoulders trying to get closer to him as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moaned in my mouth. My hormones went crazy as I felt him 'raise' against my thigh, it felt really good. "Hayley." He growled.                              

I smiled at his response; I pulled away from him kissing his neck slowly, sucking on different parts, trying to find his soft spot. When I found it he moaned and said "Stop teasing me." I smirked against his neck, I continued to kiss him, his ear lobe, his neck, his jaw, his check, he seemed to be sick of this as he brought my lips back up to his. We continued to kiss, I brought my hands under his shirt feeling his nice toned abs softly brushing my hands against his stomach. He shivered under my touch and growled, kissing my neck biting me.

               Wait my head said, he growled. I sat up with a shock. Wolves, was all I could think of. "Hayley?" Logan asked his voice careful.

               "What happened? In the bio room? One minute Jamie was there and the next there was a wolf. And wait a minute! Jamie said she was your girlfriend. What's going on? I'm so confused. Logan what the hell is going on?"

               He looked at me for a minute, like he was debating something. "Hayley, come with me." He said getting up off the bed holding his hand out for me to hold it.


               "Shut up for just a minute. Come with me and I'll explain everything." He said tenderly. I just nodded silently and grabbed his hand. He guided me through my house and waited for me to put on my shoes. When I noticed he wasn't wearing any he just shook his head and lead me outside to the wood. I looked up at the sky, it was nighttime so soon. The moon was out. "So, first of all," he started as we walked through the trees. "Her name is Jasmine." My heart felt a pang of jealously and sadness. "Secondly, she isn't my girlfriend. She is far from it." I nodded somehow feeling much better at that little piece of knowledge. He didn't say anything for awhile as we continued to walk through the woods, finally stopping in a meadow, far from the path. "Also," he finally said stopping. "Jasmine is a werewolf." I just looked at him in awe. Sure I just wanted to laugh it off as a joke but I really couldn't. I couldn't deny what I had seen with my own eyes, no matter how much I really wanted to. "And so am I." I just looked at him, unable to say anything. "Hayley," he started, taking off his shirt.                              

I gasped, what is he doing? "What are you doing?! Don't take your clothes off!" I was blushing furiously. He smiled and laughed at my embarrassment.

               "Don't look then." But I was unable to once I saw his glorious body under the moonlight. I watched him as he took of the rest of his clothes. He was beautiful. And even though what he had just told me scared the hell out of me I couldn't deny my overwhelming feelings towards him, even though they were unexplainable. I watched his naked body start to shake, his beautiful blue eyes seemed to glow in the moon light, they never leaved my face as I saw his body shift slowly, looking more and more like a canine then human. I watched at his spine seemed to arch, his body get hairy, his teeth growing into scarp razors, able to rip human flesh and bones without even a difficulty.  His hands clawed up, his fingers turning into paws, I gaped at him as he became one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen.

Tonight I'm Loving You *My Teacher is a Werewolf* (On hold indefinitely)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz