I opened my eyes and got up so fast, trying to catch my breath. Oh my god. What was that?! I saw Stephen right in front of me, looking at me worried. I needed to process the dream I had, but couldn't really, because he was standing right in front of me! "Are you okay?", he asked me and came to sit next to me and hugged me. I started to cry. I just could not control it. He hugged me even tighter, to give me the feeling of safety, which worked. "Hush, don't cry. You are safe with me.", I said nothing, it felt like my mouth was glued together and could not get out one word. He let go and looked me in the eyes. "Everything will be fine, I brought you breakfast. Look." He pointed with his finger to the board, with some bread, eggs, cheese, etc. which looked so tasty. "Thank you." I sniffed under my breath. Suddenly, without any exception he gave me a kiss on my forehead. I looked up to him and smiled. He left the room. I took the board and eat my breakfast, which was really good. 

This nightmare, was really one of the disturbing things I ever dreamed. But I never saw Stephen like that and I hopefully will never, because it scares me. 

Stephen's P.O.V

I really hope she is okay and it was just one stupid nightmare she had. I will protect her at any costs, even if it means that I could get killed. 

Later that day..

I was watching some TV, when I heard some heels walking towards me. I turned around and saw her. "HELLOO BUNNYY! I MISSED YOU COME HERE!", I stood up and was annoyed by the comments she made. "I told you so many times to stop calling my those stupid names. Many fucking times, but you won't listen!", she looked at me sad. "Can't I miss my little brother? You are just so cute.", she opened her arms and hugged me. "I am just saying to you, to stop calling me names, it is annoying as hell.", "Okay okay I'll stop.", she rolled her eyes at me. So yes I have a big sister, she is a bit smaller than me, black hair, ice blue eyes. Also has tattoos, but not as much as me. Of course. She is like the only person I have contact to within my family. She helps me with every problem I have, which I am thankful to her. We help each other and were there when someone of us needed help. In my childhood, we grew up together and never left without each other. Every time and everywhere we were together, I love her.

"So buddy, what's wrong?", "Come let's talk in the kitchen.". She followed me to the kitchen and sat, while I poured something to drink for us. "Well, there's this girl..", before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me and said: "Don't tell me the police found a hint that it was you. You idiot, I always said to you RYAN IS STUPID, don't listen to him.", I rolled my eyes and shouted "Could you just shut up and listen to me. And no the police has nothing to do with it. ANNDDD Ryan is not stupid, you're the one.", she laughed at me "I love you too, buddy. So this girl, alright go on.", I gave her, her drink and I also sat down in front of her. "I wanted to finish the project with someone special, I already told you about. I found her. I built up the contact, etc. But I can't kill her. My brain always is against it, with that my body is automatically not doing it.", she looked at me surprised. "Woah, who are you? Where is Stephen?", "It's not funny. I can't recognise myself either. I don't know what to do, that's why I need your help. She is changing me." She almost choked on her drink, her eyes got big. "What happened to the cold hearted Stephen? Who is this girl. I need to see her and get to know her. That's something really new to me. I can't believe it. Stephen fucking James is changing for better. Where is she now?", I looked at her, "She is upstairs in my room.", she stood up. "Let's go I want to see her.", I immediately stood up and wanted to say no, but not one second after she took my hand and left the kitchen with me. "No, we can't she is awake and I don't want to annoy her." I stopped and she right after too. "But please!", she looked at me with her puppy eyes and she knows exactly that I can't resist to them. "Man, fine. But before you are coming I am going first and look if she is asleep.", she nodded and I went upstairs and opened the door, to my bedroom. She lays on the bed and was sleeping, for my luck. I went out and called Summer to me. She ran upstairs and was next to me, "Be quiet, she is sleeping." I opened the door and Summer immediately went inside and sat on the chair, which was next to the bed, where Eva was peacefully sleeping. I stood in front of the bed and saw how Summer kind of analysed Eva. "She is really beautiful. Not beautiful, but gorgeous. Stephen, that's the first time you did something right. I'm proud of you, buddy.", I could not believe what she said and started to giggle. She stood up and gave me a sign to leave the room, so we went out and closed the door. She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Little brother, I am now completely agreeing  with you. She is really gorgeous, but I don't want to judge real quick, because the appearance does not tell you something about her personality. Therefore, I need to know how her mindset is and what of a person she is.", I laughed and nodded "I wanted to ask you also a question, I don't know what to do. I kind of feel a connection with her and I'm pretty sure that it is otherwise too. Should I free her from the handcuffs? So she can walk free around?", she thought about the question for a moment and added: " So, I think you.." , while she were telling me, how I should behave now we walked down to the kitchen and talked about the situation.

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