Room for Three?

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Chapter 13~ Room for Three?~

Kate's P.O.V.


I was at home, planning Xavier's funneral, when my phone rang.  I hope it's not the office.  I grabbed my phone, and answered it calmly.

"Wait what?  Ella?  Did what?  I'll be right over,"  I rushed over to the door, grabbed my keys, and left. 


"What the hell Ella?"  I asked Ella, while walking back to the car, "an ISS? Seriously?" 

Ella scoffed back, "Well its not my fault that Sammy was being a bitch, now is it?"

The car rushed past the trees, hearing a light swish, "Well, your right, she is a bitch, but seriously?  Couldn't keep your anger in?"

"No, no I couldn't.  She went to far," Ella sighed, looking through the window, "Well, now we have another day together! Whoa!"

"Well, I dunno, I'm pla-" I shut my mouth.  She didn't know anything, "I-I mean you can go and hang out with a friend.  Maybe Bryan or something?"

Ella stared at me, then her face lightened up, "Oh okay, I guess?  Thanks?"

The car ride was quiet after that, not one word.  Ella rushed up the stairs, and slammed the door shut.  Oh whatever.

Ell'a P.O.V.

Is she seriously that stupid?  I laughed at the thought, she’s letting me go and hang out even though I just got suspended?  I texted Bryan, since I knew that he was expelled from school anyway.  I watched the trees flow slowly through the wind, sighing at the sight.  I don’t deserve to be here, I deserve to die.  Bryan texted me back, snapping me out of my thoughts.  “Uh yeah, aren’t you at school though?” I smiled at the texted, and answered back. “Nawh. I got an ISS they sent me home today.” Bryan said he would be coming in a few, and I smiled, grabbing some money that I don’t need anymore. Honk honk.  He’s here.

I ran to the car, making sure I didn’t trip on the way there, and I smiled.  He just sat there, and nodded towards my direction.

“Whats up?” I asked, shutting my door.

“Not much same old same old,” Bryan answered, driving off.

“Oh oh that’s fun,” I sighed, “Did you meet any girls yet?” I winked at him, laughing at his confused face.

“Oh,” Bryan looked down, and I’m pretty sure he blushed. Loser. “Well no, not yet, they don’t meet my standards.”

I laughed at his answer, “Oh wow, so you’re not looking for a slut this time?”

“Oh yeah no more, at least not now,” He laughed, “Well what about you, have you found you’re prince charming yet?”

I looked at him, awkwardly, “Uhm no, I don’t think so.”

He laughed, “Oh wow, that’s nice, so whatcha wanna do today?”

I stared at him, and then looked at the floor, “I dunno, whatever you want to do boyy,” I laughed at him, “I mean I got 100 to waste, so whatevva.”

Bryan just looked straight ahead, “Well alrightt, lemme hit up Zach, and see what we can get.”

“Ight,” I look down at my phone.  Matt.  His name came up on my phone.  What the hell do you want now?

Matt’s P.O.V.

I decided to ditch the rest of school today, thinking that Ella would be out, and I didn’t want her to hurt herself.  Once I got home, I texted her.  I wanted to apologize to her.  I didn’t know what to say though, I don’t think she’ll care about the text though.  While listening to music, I heard my phone rang, it might be Ella.  I ran to my phone, jumping on my bed.

‘I dont care you can do whatever you want and no im not home im with bryan’

I just stared at the message, ‘Oh okay thats cool mind if I join?’

I’m pretty sure she was like ‘what the hell’, but whatever, I wanted to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid to herself. 

‘Uh sure I guess just go to zachs house well be there in a few’

‘ight’, I ran towards the front door, grabbing my keys.  The engine purred, I relaxed my shoulders, and prepared for this day.

Bryan’s P.O.V.

Why the hell does he want to come?  I sighed, shaking my head.  We listened to some music, to make the car ride less awkward.  Finally, we got to Zach’s house- it felt like eternity!  Ella slammed my door shut, and calmly, yet gracefully, walked over to the back door, I followed, and did the same.

“Eyy!” Zach yelled as we walked inside, “What’s up?”

“Not much bro,” Ella sighed, walking down the stairs.

“Ah ah, fun, you?”  Zach looked towards me, nodding his head up.

“It’s ight, not much,” I nodded back to Zach, “Oh yeah and Matt’s coming.”

Zach smiled, “Ight, ight, well how much?” 

“100 from her,” I pointed towards Ella, “50, and I don’t know about him.”

“Sounds good, get ready to get fucked up,” Ella laughed, and I just smirked, not knowing what to say.


Ella’s P.O.V.

Let me die, just let me die tonight.  The words were ringing through my ears, my head was pounding, my arms were bloody, and my knuckles were bloody too.  I slowly sat up, rubbing the side of my head.

“What the hell happened?”  I sat there just plain confused.  Matt was chilling on the couch, and Bryan was asleep next to me, and Zach, probably up in the kitchen or some shit.

“Oh my god she has awoken! Guys she’s up!”  Matt yelled, getting up, and tripping over his own feet.

“Holy shit!  I thought she was gone!” Zach ran down the stairs, with a bag of chips and a can of Arizona.  “Damn it was fucking sketchy last night girl!  You fucking scared the shit out of us!”

I was so confused, everyone was yelling, but Bryan, who was still sleeping like a baby.  Zach tossed me the bag of chips, and I just sat there killing the bag.

“What the fuck happened?”  I munched down on some chips, “Like why the hell are my knuckles and arms bloody and shit?”

Zach was laughing his ass of, and it was officially pissing me off.  Like no, just no, you don’t just not tell me and laugh.

“Holy fuck,” Zach managed to say between breaths, “just watch the video, just do it.”  I looked at him confused, while Matt passed me his phone, “Trust me, you’ll laugh your ass off.”

And now it’s time to see what I, Ella Marie Ternest, has done to embarrass herself once again.


Oh my.. Like what just happened? I seriously dont know.. To be honest here. Well, awkwardly... Enjoy.


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