Won't Leave You Here

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Hey guys, I've been feeling kinda weird so I dunno.  To much going through my mind right now, so this chapter might be random as fackkkkk! I dunno though, ahah we will see xD.


Won't Leave You Here

Matt's P.O.V (Point of View)

What the hell did I just see? I was pacing back and forth in my room.  Was she trying to show me something?  I was really confused.  Sitting down on my bed, I tought, what she tried to show me, and it clicked.  Her scars, her scars.  She showed me her wrist of her scars!  I sat there puzzled, then my phone buzzed.  

"God damnit," I mumbled while reading the text.  It was from my friend. An old friend of mine. "He could go fuck himself."  I got up, and turned on some music.  

The power of music.  Rise by Flobots turned on.  I was singing to the song because I didn't know what else to do.  


"Wake up," I heard a voice whisper, "Gosh darn it, wake up!"

"Erhmhjklfjdklajf" My words slurred, while I brought my head up.

"Come on get ready! You got school!"

I jumped out of bed, since I did want to walk with Ella to school.  Before I even got to the bathroom, I tripped and fell onto the hallway floor.  Finally I made it all the way to the bathroom!  I hopped into the shower, to smell all sexy and stuff.


After I did my sexy morning routine, I ran to the door.

"Bye!" I yelled, and slammed the door shut.  Just in time too.  I saw Ella walk down the street, with Xavier. "Can I walk with you guys?"

Ella looked up, and sighed awkwardly, "Uh yeah sure why not." I noticed a little purple mark on her face, and thought about her dad.

We silently walked over to Xavier's preschool.  No one breaking silence, until Xavier had to leave.  He hugged Ella, and whispered something to her.  And she smiled.  We watched Xavier go inside the preschool, and we left.  Silence again, until she broke it.

"Uhm about last night," She started off, "did you see anything?"

My eyes got wide, "Well what do you mean?" I looked staight ahead, not to seem weird.

"Well," she looked down, "you know?"

I did know, but was I going to tell her I knew?  Would it make her feel bad?  I looked down at her, "About your arm?"

She looked down, probably embarrassed, "Yeah," She pulled down her sleeves to her shirt, and continued to walk.

We finally got to the building, she stopped.  So, I stopped too, to make sure she was okay.  She just stood there for a minute, staring at me, then to the floor.  I was worried.  Slowly, I walked up to her, and shook her arm,.  What the fuck, is she okay? I shook her arms once more, it wasn't doing anything. 

"What the fuck is wrong?" I asked her, I could tell she was flipping out in her mind.  A single tear left her eye, and I knew she was going to burst out crying.

"No, no don't take me away, not again!" She whimpered like a puppy.  I grabbed her, and threw her over my shoulder, and brought her to the field.  "I'm not insane, I'm not insane."

It clicked.  I grabbed my phone out, and played Almost Easy.  It seemed to soothe her down.  She started to sing, which was kinda awkward at first.  We sat there, me leaning against the tree, and her laying on the grass.  We were all peaceful, to peaceful.


Ella's P.O.V. (Point of View)

I wanted to cry.  I wanted to die.  I just wanted to sleep, and never wake up again.  I just want to go hit up my friend, maybe he has some drugs for me.  Maybe he has some pills for me. Just maybe he can help me die.  I didn't understand anything.  I don't know what happened, I dont remember anything.


I was laying on the floor, feeling numb and cold.  All you could hear are the words, common hit it, common one more time.  I was freezing to death while they were smoking.  I remember waking up an hour later, warm hands against my face.  But, I didn't know who was next to me. And, I personally didn't care.  As long as they kept me warm I was alright.  


"Dude, Ella are you okay?" Matt's voice was soft.

"Uhmmfdfjkdakj," I couldn't speek, "erhhhgfmmmdd." I leaned my head on his legs, slowly closing my eyes.

"Common, we have to get up," Matt was shaking me, pushing my body up, "Common."

By now I think he was standing already. "2 minutes," I mumbled, freezing cold.  I felt his warm hands, trying to pick me up, "What are you doing?" 

"We are going home," Matt's voice slowly drifting away.

"We can't go back," I mumbled, "He'll beat me."

Matt froze, "He'll what?" Matt's voice was all stiff.

I couldn't speak anymore, I just couldn't do it.  I started crying, feeling my eye burn up. "I can't do it, I just can't do it."

Matt's P.O.V (Point of View)

She started crying and repeating the words I can't do it, I can't do it.  But, I wasn't just going to leave her here.  I wasn't going to let her get laughed at, and I wouldn't let her get beat again.  But I guess I was too late.  Her pant leg crunched up to her knee, and you could see cuts and bruises everywhere.  I pulled up one of her arm sleeves, and saw the same thing, but with a bigger gash.  I was angry.  Why would she let her father do that to her? 

I walked her all the way to my house, and laid her on the spare bed.  She started twiching, and crying.  I couldn't deal with this.  I didn't want to see her in anymore pain.  I just didn't want her to die scared, crazy, and alone.


DUDES! Pretty boring chapter and all but come on.. xD I had a lot on my mind, and I mean a lot. So this kinda just let all that awkward stress out.. So I hope you guys like it... xD 


I'm Not Insane. Just Not InsaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora