Just Take Me Away

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Heyy! Aha well, I either might stop writing this.. Or if I continue I'll try to post like every Monday. But I personally don't know. I don't have any motivation to do any writing anymore.. So I don't know what will happen, but that's just a little heads up.


Chapter 3- Just Take Me Away.


I cried in pain.  This can't be happening, this can't be happening.  Xavier was in my room again, which I didn't mind because we was the only one who could kinda feel my pain.  Which is bad.  I wrapped a band-aid on his cut.  I laid him on the bed, and put on some music.  We were sitting there, glancing at each other from time to time; giggling at each other.  Then, my phone started to ring; I quickly grabbed my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, hello" I'm guessing this was a prank call because of the terrible guy accent. "We need to talk to your father about something."

I giggled, "Well, sorry. He's not home right now, Mr. Kecklet."

They gasped awkwardly on the other side, "How did you know!?" My one friend, Amy, asked.

"I'm not stupid," I laughed.  We talked for a bit, and then I hung up because I got sleepy.  I set an alarm for school, and went to bed in peace.


'We who hold these whip$ and chain$" sang aloud while I groaned.  I finally got out of bed, and noticed Xavier wasn't there.  I flipped out.

I slowly walked into the hall, and walked into Xavier's room.  He wasn't there.  Then, I walked over to his closet, wasn't there either.  Finally, I walked over to his bed again, and looked under there.  He was there.  I grabbed him from under his bed, and walked him back over to my room- bringing along some of his clothes, so he can get ready.  He stayed in my room, until I got back from the bathroom.  We finally got ready, I slipped my shoes on, and help put on Xaviers shoes.  He grabbed his backpack, and a small waterbottle, while I grabbed my backpack.  We quietly headed out, and I walked him to preschool.

"Bye bye!" Xavier screamed, and waved goodbye.  

I waved back, and headed to school.  This world is such a cruel place.  No one to watch over the young, and no one to care of the hurt.  I sighed, and walked silently towards the front door.  I walked over to my locker, hoping I wouldn’t get noticed.  But, I did.  It was an old friend; a friend that hurt me throughout the 3 years we were friends.  Emotionally, mentally, you name it.  And she knew about my ‘issues’.

“Oh what’s wrong now?” She snorted, trying to act like she was cool, “Did your daddy hit you again?”

I sighed, and ignored her.  I don’t need her little drama.

She turned me around, “Well.? I’m waiting.”

“You don’t know me,” I frankly stated, “And if you did, you wouldn’t be doing this now.”

She stared at me for a minute, “Ugh, whatever.”

I finally got my stuff from my locker, and headed to class.  Ring ring ring. I muttered to myself, and quickly walked to English.


I fell asleep in English- as usual.  The teacher woke me up, and introduced someone into our class.  The only seat available was the one in front of me, so he had to sit there.  And when I said he, I did mean Matt.  He turned around, and gave me a stern look.

“What? Your not my father, so don’t stare at me like that,” I muttered, and fell back into a daze.

“Well,” Matt snapped, so I could stop dreaming, “I’m pretty sure I can be a brother that you never had.”

I stared at him.  Death stared at him to be exact, “Don’t you dare say that.  I do have a brother, and he’s all I’ve ever wanted in life.”  Other than a dad.

He gave me an apologetic look- I ignored him, and fell back into my daze. 

“Ella,” The teacher called out, “Why don’t you help Matt with this worksheet.”

I just stared at her.  Jessica raised her hand.  Knowing Jessica, she wants to be a goody two shoes.  The teacher picked her, and she let him work with her.  But there was a bit of a problem.  Matt didn’t really want to work with her.  I could tell by his facial expressions when he turned around.

 I just laughed, “You should work with her,” he gave me the longest face ever. “No worries, she’ll just do your worksheet, try to get your number, and turn and laugh at me when she does.”

“What do you mean?” He stared at me, confused.

“She is a goody two shoes, but she is-“ I stopped because she Jessica go near me.  “Well you have fun Matt.” I gave both of them a smirk.


School was finally over.  I walked out, and headed over to get Xavier.  I was about to cross the street, when a car just stopped right in front of me. It was Matt.  He got out of his car, grabbed me, and threw me in his car.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I asked, scared for my life.

“I’m helping you,” He said.

“You’re not helping me, now let me out, I have to get Xavier!” I yelled, unlocking the door.

“You don’t need Xavier right now, he’ll be okay,” And those were the last words I remember before I fell asleep.


“Xavier?” I yawned and looked around, “Xavier?!” I started freaking out.

"He's okay, he's right here," A low voice came from the back.

"Why are we here?" I asked, worried about Xavier.

"I'm here to help you," The voice came closer, and I shivered.

"You're not helping me, you're making this worse," I cried out.

No one answered me, and nothing was said.  I cried out in pain.  My foot hurt, and my head was pounding.  I was worried about Xavier, and if he was alright. I was worried that they were going to kill me, and I was worried that if they don't, my dad will.


Hey guys. So I've kinda been thinking about this. This took me a whole week to writeSo, in that whole week, I thought about writing this or not.  And, truly, I might not even try to continue this.  I might, I might not, I dunno. But, this is just a small heads up to who ever seriously likes this and reads it.

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