Be My Superhero, or Not

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Okay, aha well I had half of this chapter.. But my computer decided to be stupid and not let me open that auto-saved doc. So now its gone, and I have to make it up again.. -_- Whatevers broooo. And the only reason I'm writing this chapter is because I had an amazing idea..


Be My Superhero, or Not

I sat there, sighing.  I was wondering where Xavier was.  I missed him, and I hoped he was okay.  A creeking noise came from the door.  I looked at the door, afraid of what was behind it.  It was a man; he had a bag.  He slowly came by me, and dropped this bag.  Then he left.  I looked around, making sure no one was here; food was in the bag.  Sniffle, sniffle.  I turned around, and saw a small boy.  Was it Xavier?  Was it really him?

“Xavier?”  I called out slowly, and quietly.  No answer.  “Xavier?”  I got up, and slowly walked over to the little boy.

It was Xavier, was he was afraid, and whimpering.  I tried to hug him, but he ran to a corner crying.  I was angry.  I wanted to know what they did to him.  Someone slowly opened the door, and shut it behind them.  I stood up, trying to find Xavier, not wanting to see their face.  I heard a chair creek, and I turned.  That man, just sat there, watching. 

“Xavier,” I whispered worried, “Its me, Ella.”

I saw his face lit up, “Ella! Ella! I want to go home!” Xavier yelled crying his eyes out.

“I know, I know,” I hugged him, “but we have to be quiet. Their watching us

I picked him up, and examined him.  He had a scar on his face; I was furious.  The man laughed.  I got up- Xavier still in my arms- and walked towards him.

“What did you do to him?” I asked, angrily.

“Oh you know, I tried to help you,” The man laughed.

“Help me?” I laughed, “Help me with what? Getting me out of school?  Taking me from my house?  What are you trying to do?”

“Well-“ The man was cut off.  This guy was pushed into a room. “Ah, great.  Your just in time.  Well, you guys should probably get to know each other, I mean, I think you guys know each other anyways.” The guy got up, and left.

The guy groaned, and laid on the floor, “Owww.”

That voice sounded familiar, “Are you okay?”

“Ella?” His voice sounded more alert. “Is that you?”

“Yeah,” I snapped my fingers, and my eyes widen, “Is that you Matt?”

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” His voice sounded worried.

“Uh yeah, I mean, I guess.  I’m just worried for Xavier,” I sighed.

“Xavier?” He looked at my face awkwardly, “Oh my gosh, what have I done?”

I stared at him for a minute, “Wait what do you mean?”

 He looked at the ground, “Well, I guess I told my mom about you, and your little issue at home, and I guess she told my uncle.” He tried to find Xavier, but I wouldn’t dare let him lay his eyes on him.

“What?  Why?” I just couldn’t believe what I just heard, “Why would you do that? Did you not think your mom would say something? Huh? And now what? Xavier is terrified of everything, and he didn’t even want to hug me at first. Just because he thought I was going to hurt him. Wow, why would you do that?” I turned, and grabbed Xavier.


It was nighttime, by the looks of it.  I was planning my escape.  I made sure no one was coming, and opened the window.  Pushed Xavier out, then myself.  We surprisingly didn’t get caught by anyone, which is quite weird, considering that they locked us in a room.  And, I did know where we were.  20 minutes away from home, but I knew where we were.  We started walking, getting weird and rude stares form the people driving.  We finally got home, but he was waiting.

"Where were you too?" My dad asked with an evil grin.

"Well," I looked down, and stood in front of Xavier, "we went for a walk, and such."

"Oh okay," The face he made freaked the shit out of me. 

He let Xavier go up to his (my) room, but made me stay there.  I was afraid he was going to kill me or something.  He grabbed his little knife, and ran it over my arm, piercing it through my skin.  I screamed in pain.  Then, he pushed me down, saying something afterwards.  


I woke up, right after I was laying on the floor.  But, my arm did hurt, and there was a huge cut on it. So I had a fucking dream, but I still got the fucking cut? I thought to myself, checking if Xavier was on my bed.  I got up from my bed, and went by the window.  He was looking through his own window.  Slowly, I moved the curtains, and turned on my stero.  Matt noticed.  Once the song Afterlife played, I lifted my arm.  I don't know if he noticed all the scars on my arm or not, but it felt good at least semi showing someone.


This was the weird chapter.. I dunno. It was quite awkward writing this, and this is also probably a short chapterr. But oh well. It popped into my mind. I dunno I might write, I might not. It depends on what I feel like. But I'll try. At least xD Well, I mean I hope you like this chapter even though it was kinda a boring one. If I write more..  I dunno. Well enjoyy

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