Memories Flooding the Mind.

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ERHMEHGUSH! Im very proud to say... That... That... That nothing! Ahaha xD Yeah Im a dork.. I mean... I really didn't notice that until like just now.. You know.. Because you go to the store and my a pack of 4 balls.  The cashier lady stares at your awkwardly while you hand her the money.. Nothing is wrong there... Nothing.... 

ANYWAYYYY!! Im decicating this to one of my friends.  She's been my friend for about almost 3 years, and Im pround to call her my brother.. Yes my brother... Dont hate.. Dont judge... If she ever reads this [which would we awkward if she ever did] I LOVE YOU xD


Chapter 6 [I think?]~ Memories Flooding the Mind.

Ella's P.O.V.

I was afraid, I didn't want Xavier to die, at least not now.  I hope he wasn't in trouble.  I hope that nasty thing- called my father- wasn't pushing needles through Xavier.  Xavier was my only hope.  He was the one that kept me alive.  He was the one that I could trust.  He was the one I wanted to see grow up.  Not doing drugs, not blaming himself for anything, not being as stupid as I was. 


"Common Ella," Peer pressure, everyone talking, no one listening.  "dude, just one more time.  You won't die, not from this.  It's only weed."

Everyone's words rushing through my mind.  I was really that stupid?  I guess I was.  I gave into that peer pressure.  Grabbing the blunt, everyone cheered.  I took one deep breath before I ended my life.  Sucked in, and held it in.  I was a natural.

"Whoooohh! She did it!" An old friend- Zac- yelled. "First time, and she's a pro!"

Everyone cheered once again.  We passed the blunt around, and I felt like I was losing a grasp on reality.  I woke up, next to Zac and some other people.  My body was numb, and I couldn't move.  What the hell happened?  


What the hell did happen? I still ask myself this everyday.  I always wanted to know, what happened that day, and all the other days I don't remember.  But, who would I ask?  I don't think anyone else remembered anything.  All the memories started comming back to me.  All the times I was smoking, all the times I cut myself, and all the times I almost commited suicide.

I was crying my heart out.  I didn't want to remember anything right now.  I didn't want to think about all the things that happened.  


"Dude! We hot boxed this shit!" Someone yelled in the back of the car.  But yes, we did seriously hot boxed the shit out of that car.

We all started to roll down the windows, having a crack opened for each window.  We sat there.  Me, sitting next to my friend, and my best friend sitting in the front with someone else.  No one knew what to do.  Finally, someone said something.

"Dude, I'm sorry if you have to smell my armpit sweat," My friend, next to me, turned.

I stared at him awkwardly, "It's okay, I can live."


I can't remember anything else.  God damnnit!  The door flew open, I wiped my eyes quickly.  It was only Kate.  And she was stressed as fuck.

"What the fuck! Where's your father?" She yelled from the kitchen, angry.

"I dunno," I mumbled, "but he picked up Xavier."

She stared at me in shock, "He- he went to go get Xavier from preschool?"  Her eyes were huge.

I stared at her, eyes tearing up, praying to God that Xavier was okay, "Y-y-yes."

She ran to her phone, and dailed a number.  No answer.  She flipped out.  Then a buzz came from my phone.  My fingers felt numb when I answered the phone.

"H-h-hello?" My voice was shaky.

"Hello ma'am is this the Ternst household?"  A nice smooth voice asked from the other line.

My heart stopped, "Y-yes."

A deep breath was taken, "Can I speak to your mother or guardian?"

I slowly got up, and walked to my room, "No one is home right now, just me."

A sigh came from the line, "Well, there has been a crash.  Your father's car was hit by someone speeding, and past a red light.  There has been some pretty bad damage."

I couldn't breathe.  I couldn't think straight.  "Hello? Are you still there?"

I froze, "Uh, yeah. Thank-thank you."  I hung up, and ran to the kitchen.  Kate was watching me, seeing how paniced I was. "Hospital. Now. Car. Accident. Xavier. Dad." I couldn't breathe.

We ran to her car, tears streaming down my face.  I saw Matt outside, doing something, but he noticed me.  I looked down, when Kate zoomed out the driveway, and past his house.


"Where are they?!" Kate screamed.  She ran into the hospital like a crazy person. "Ternst.  Where are they?" 

A nurse, who looked about 27, guided us to the room they were in.  They were about to leave with my dad to do surgry.  Tears were lost.  I bursted into a crying fit.  The nurse guided me to the waiting room, and handed me some tissuses.  Kate came in, makeup smeared, puffy eyes.

"Th-they said that the car flipped a f-f-few times.  They won't r-r-really tell me anything e-else," She cried out.

I sat there, crying.  Feeling the pain come back again.  I hugged her.  Her whole body stiffened at first, then she relaxed.  She wrapped her arms around me, and we cried together.  Not really caring who saw.  Only caring about if they were okay.  I didn't want to lose Xavier, not like this.


AND SCENE! GOSH DARN IT! WHATS GONNA HAPPEN? I DUNNNNNO!!! All I know is that there is going to be more flashbacks.. Are they going to be awkward ones? Sexy ones? Or even firey ones?  Aahha fire. 


Aahaha get it! Sorry xD I had to! But anyways.. Seriously.. What do you think is going to happen?  Because I can tell you right now, that you're probably wrong. xD shhh.. Im sorry to burst your bubble like that.. But common.. Im probably right!  Anyways.. 



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