pt. 20 - With Everything I Am

Start from the beginning

That's wonderful.
Are you going to do it
While you're out there?

I have not decided
yet. Not that I am not sure,
it is more a matter of
getting everyone on my
side. I do not even have
a ring yet.

Besides all that, you and
Kakashi have not met
her yet. Would you not
want to meet her first?

Lee, I only want you
to be happy. So don't
worry so much about
what I think of her. I
know you love her, so
that is all that matters
to Kashi and I.

I do think she
would want to meet
you first. She was
talking about it on the
way here. She asked
about you guys.

That's very sweet
of her. But, promise me
you will do what feels
right to you.

Okay, I promise.


Her dad called me from the hallway, "Lee, you might want to come see this," he whispered at the door frame of the room we were in.

"Yessir," I stood and made my way to where he was. He was smiling, I couldn't assume whatever it was, was bad.

"Look at them!!" He opened the door just a little more, reveling by far the most precious thing I have ever witnessed.

My son and the love of my life were cuddling while sleeping. Metal looked like he was in a safe haven, all curled up in her arms like that. (Y/n) had her hand in his hair, so even when she slept, she was massaging his head.

I could feel the tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, and had to tare my gaze away. "I love her so much," I cried as quietly as I could. I did not want to seem weak, but that is what the sight made me. I was weak for the two of them. I heard heavy breathing from besides me, and looked over at (f/n). He was doing the same thing.

"You two are such babies. What's going on over there?" Her mom finally came to see, and so did her siblings. "N-nevermind, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Carry on," she left the sight and went back to the kitchen.

"Y- you really love her that much?" (F/n) asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I could only nod for a moment.

"I love her with everything I have, everything that I am. I really only care about her and Metal. That is it."

Suki and Kenma both laughed quietly and walked away.

(F/n) hummed in thought, looked at her, then back at me. "You get to wake them up. I wanna see how you do it."


"Yeah. Go wake them up how you normally would." I nodded. How I normally would.

"I- it is kind of silly to people watching, but alright..." I went into the room, and did what I would do if she lived with me and slept in. I took my slippers off and got under the comforter with them, and slowly stroked her arm until she groaned to show she was awake. "Good morning, lotus," I greeted, then the door closed. He wasn't watching anymore. Metal woke up too, and turned to me, burying himself into my chest. "You too, Metal. Good morning buddy," (y/n)'s eyes opened to look at me.

"You weren't here when I woke up the first time," she said, scooting closer to me.

"I know. I was talking to your dad."

"You were?"

"Yeah. And... I think he likes me at least a little bit now."

"I'm glad. I don't know why I'm still so tired. I slept really well after the nightmare."

"That is alright. But he did want me to get you up, so you can not go back to sleep right now," I brushed some of the hair from her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Not even five minutes more?"

"I think they have something planned for today. I do not know what, but maybe it will be fun. So let us get up and eat, and get dressed. Okay?"

She grumbled something, and sat up, pulling Metal and I with her.

"Fineeee," she groaned. I got out of bed, and she followed, still carrying Metal.

"And you should let Metal down so he wakes up too," she groaned again and put him down. He stood and wiped his eyes while yawning. I placed my hand on (y/n)'s back, and walked us out of the room.

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