pt. 19 - Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"Fine. But, if he does anything suspicious-"

"Yes, I know. I do want to make him feel welcomed, though, so at least try to be nice?"

Kenma grunted in agreement. I shook my head slightly, and finally pulled him into the room. We both silently agreed not to talk about it, already knowing my mom liked him. There was still only one seat open, so he sat first, then pulled me on top of him, cradling me in his arms. I felt dad's and Kenma's eyes on me as I laid there, comfortably wrapped in him.

"(Y/n), Lee. I have to assume that you two are tired from driving all day," my mom started. "You don't have to stay up, you'll be here a few days. Go get some rest," she urged after a few minutes of Lee and I sitting. I nodded and looked at Lee, who agreed.

"Only if that's alright with you guys," I said, starting to get up from Lee's lap. He quickly followed behind.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it," she said again. "Goodnight, you two."

The room was filled with a quick chorus of good night's and sleep well's, so Lee and I left to get ready for bed. He stopped in to check on Metal to tell him it was bed time. Metal was already ready to sleep, so I showed him to his room, where he went right to sleep.

Lee and I both brushed our teeth and changed into pajamas so we could lay down. We climbed into the fluffy comforters next to each other, and in a few minutes of shifting, found a comfortable position, went to sleep.


I struggled to get Sasuke away from me, as he continued to make unwanted advances. I wasn't in the mood.

"No, Sasuke."

But he wouldn't stop. He kept touching me, I kept telling him no.

"I don't want to do this, Sasuke. Please stop..."

I pushed him away from me as hard as I could to get him to stop him. But he wouldn't.

I could feel that I was shaking, holding back a river of tears.

"Stop touching me!"

I shouted, even. I was begging. He started to pull my pants down from my waist, and I froze. I couldn't force myself to move to make him stop.

"St- stop!"

I cried. He wouldn't stop. I could feel his fingers running up my shirt, pulling it off of me. He smirked as I continued to sob.

Still shaking, I tried one last unsuccessful attempt to push him away, beginning to rub his hands down to my waist, under the sides of my underwear.

(Y/n). Wake up,

"Lotus, you need to wake up," another voice called. I knew that voice. That voice, familiar, and safe. That's Lee.

I jolted awake, clenching the bedding around me to my chest, a pit of anxiety and fear burning in my stomach. Lee was right next to me, and if I had forgotten I was back home, I would have clung to him.

"I-I- want-t m-my dad-" I shook where I was sitting, tears streaming down my cheeks. I could barely breathe, my chest hurt from the lack of oxygen. Lee was out of the room seconds later to find him. He didn't have to go far, though, he was already at the door step.

"I- I think she was having a nightmare," Lee explained to him. My dad immediately sat next to me, and pulled me into his arms, wiping the tears from my face, and running his hands through my hair.

"I got you, princess. You're safe," he hummed softly as I plastered myself to him. "Shh, it's okay now. I'm here," I sobbed into him, just glad I was home.

"I- it was terrible," I cried.

"Shh, shh, I know. It's all over now." I relaxed right where I was, placing my chin on his shoulder while he comforted me. Lee was sitting at the desk in the corner of the room, just watching.

"Was it something Lee did-"

"No. Lee is amazing. It was just a nightmare," I corrected him, finally able to breathe. He kissed my forehead, and continued to sit with me. "Sorry if I woke you up."

"No, no, I hadn't gone to bed yet. It's all okay. Feel any better?"

"Much. Thanks dad."

"Anything for you, sweetie. Get some sleep now, okay?"

"For sure."

"Do you still want Lee in here?"

"Yes, dad. Stop being so suspicious. You're a good guy, Lee, right?"

Lee chucked, "I would like to think I am." Dad got up off the bed with a small smile, and put a hand on my shoulder.

"If you need anything else..."

"I know, I know. Goodnight, dad."

"Goodnight, sweetie. Night Lee," he left the room. Lee came back to sit next to me.

"Are you okay now?"

"I was having a nightmare about Sasuke. But yeah, I'm okay now. Thanks for getting my dad, and... Sorry I didn't ask just for you," I groaned.

"Do not feel sorry. I know you and your dad are close, and if he was the one you needed at the moment, I am glad we are here," he placed his hand over mine and smiled. I leaned on his shoulder, much better than before. "I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you too. I think I'm ready to try and sleep again," I huffed, and slid back under the covers, Lee finding his place around me. He wrapped his strong arms around my torso, and pulled me close to him, snugging his face into my hair. "Goodnight, Lee."

"Goodnight, my Lotus," he replied, getting as comfortable as he could. I melted into his touch, and closed my eyes.

And I was asleep. I was comfortable. And there were no more nightmares.

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