pt. 15 - "The Museum Chapter"

Start from the beginning

"I'm not sure what you mean," she defended. "Haru was only making a playful comment."

"Forgive me, Ms. Tenten, but are  'playful comments' meant to make another student upset, and hurt their feelings?"

"The only reason Metal is upset is because he's too sensitive. That's not Haru's problem, now is it?" The air went stale, as we started a staring contest.

"You are, truly a terrible person. This is ridiculous. Children should be allowed to express their emotions and how they feel. I thought it was common practice to teach children to be decent human beings, however, you have proven me wrong. Carry on though, I'm going to speak to the principal later," I said sweetly, showing a smile. I looked over to Lee, who's face was completely red when our eyes met. The parents and students all turned, along with Tenten. "We'll catch up," I stated, seeing them all leave.

I got on my knees with them, and fixed Metal's now messy hair. Lee was still red in the face. "You're blushing, Lee."

"I- I know. I can feel it," he laughed. "That was amazing, thank you so much," Metal tugged on my sleeve to get my attention.

"Are you okay, Metal?" Metal shook his head no.

"T-thank you..." He mumbled.

"Any time, bud. What Haru said was not okay," I pulled Metal close to me. "And ms. Tenten only made it worse. None of what just happened was your fault. Okay?"

"O-okay," he put his little arms around me for a moment, before letting me go. I kissed his head before standing next to Lee, who quickly put his arm around me, and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"I love you," he mumbled.

"I love you too. Now... Let's catch up with them, but not too quickly."

Metal grabbed both of our hands again, and showed a small smile. We started in the same way they went, checking out all the cool nobs and buttons ans screens that he could interact with.

And up until the bathroom break, we stayed somewhat behind everyone else to avoid more conflict with the teacher and students. Unfortunately, I had to use the restroom at the same time as Tenten, and when it was time to wash our hands, the only sinks available were the ones right next to each other. I did my best to ignore her, but it didn't work.

After I finished drying my hands, I made my way to the door, where Tenten was leaning. I took a deep breath, knowing none of the students were in here.

"What's your problem with Metal? What did he do to make you think it was okay to let his life be hell?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"I have nothing against Metal at all. It's you and Lee I have a problem with. Trust me, I'm trying to save you, Lee doesn't love you. He doesn't even like you."

"What makes you think that?" I have no doubts that Lee loves me. I just think this is funny.

"I've never heard him say it. And I doubt I ever will. You might be dating him, but he won't get around to saying it... Ever," I did my best to suppress a laugh, because, by all means of the word, this is hilarious. Lee has told me every day since the first time he said it. She's never heard it, but I have. It doesn't matter what she knows. "And you won't ever be Metal's mom," she snickered, as if she had made me feel bad. But Metal started calling me his mom already. I'm already passed that point.

"Okay, princess. Whatever you want to believe-"

"HES SUPPOSED TO BE MINE, DAMNIT!" she yelled. "LEE IS MINE!" I stammered back, not expecting her to lash out like that.

"Tenten, you have some serious issues-"

"We dated for six months, and he never said he loved me, so why would he say it to you? It's only been two months..." Her voice went hoarse from screaming.

"Maybe it's because Lee loves me. And I love him, and Metal is already like my son-"

"NO HES NOT! LEE DOESN'T LOVE YOU AND METAL CANT THINK OF YOU LIKE THAT! HE JUST CANT!" she yelled again. I shook my head and tried to leave, only to be met by a stinging slap on my cheek. I froze.

But not wanting to get into a fight, and trying to be the bigger person, I tried to leave again without saying anything else. I only realized that was a mistake when I felt her fist hit the side of my face, immediately putting me in a world of pain. I quickly put my hand over where she hit me as instinct. My head started to ring from the impact.

"Tenten, I'm not going to fight you. That would be the irresponsible and inappropriate thing to do," Tenten's eyes widened, and the door opened behind her.

One of the other moms heard Tenten yelling, and came to check on us. She saw my face, and Tenten's fist, and she just stared. I swiftly walked past her, not willing to explain what happened.

I did have tears in my eyes, though. I could feel a bruise forming, and the skin around my eye swell. I made my way to Lee. He was quick to notice my tears, and the reddish purple mark on the side of my face.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" He asked hurriedly, removing my hand from my cheek to get a better look. He examined my face, lightly touching the mark.

"Tenten is crazy," I chuckled. "I didn't touch her. But when I tried to leave the bathroom, she slapped me, then punched me. The whole thing is silly. I just don't know what she's so worked up over," he quickly pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me.

"Should we leave? Do you need to go to the hospital?" He whispered into my ear as we stood there.

"Lee, I'm really okay. I refuse to back down from her." I gently pushed him off of me and glanced at Metal who looked as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"But she hurt you. That is not okay."

"And I'll report her later. But if I left right now, it would be like me admitting to being weak, and I am far from that."

"I know that, but if you need medical attention, then we should go," he continued to press. There was no way I would be leaving so soon.

"All I need is an ice pack, and I'm sure I'll be okay," I grabbed his hand, he grabbed Metal, and we quickly found a staff member, who, with little questioning, found a disposable icepack, and sent us back to our group.

We waited in the back until the end of the tour, Lee occasionally asking if we needed to go, but the icepack and ibuprofen I had taken was working fine. My face wasn't swelled anymore, and I wasn't in too much pain.

[I think I accidentally hyped this chapter up more than I should have]

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