The sound four.

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Naruto POV

I wake up in the morning and decide to eat a cup of instant ramen because I'm feeling quite lazy I open up my personal note pad that I use to keep tabs on which ninja are on mission, busy or free with emphasis on my friends. Your may wonder why I keep tabs on all ninja, well that's simple it's because I want to know what the village is working with at all times and it helps me keep an eye out on potential spies or saboteurs. You may wonder how I keep track of this well it's simple I have two summon animals toads  and crows. As well as my hidden and disguised clones.

Reading my register I notice the vast majority of our ninja are out of the village at the moment and the ones that aren't gone seem to be busy except for a few. I sigh to my self as  I look at the names of those who were available.

"Tap tap tap "

I look at my window and see a crow I open it and he gives me the signal I've been waiting for. Sasuke has left the village. I gather my supplies as one of the hokages birds  arrive to summon me.

Fully prepared I go to the office where I see me and shikamaru await debriefing.

Tsuande " before I start the debriefing what's that on your forearm Naruto?"

Alarmed I notice I haven't stopped the chakra flow to one of my storage seals. I activate it quickly which has a scroll pop out.

Naruto " ah granny this is one of many storage seals I keep on my body as you can see this one holds a complex storage scroll as you know with my parents belongings I've been studying fuinjutsu I've probably surpassed my parents skill at it by this point however I'd like to further my research and compare notes with pervy sage."

I say swiftly putting the scroll back in my seal and it turned invisible.

Tsunade" ah I was just worried it might have been pert of that seal.... I'm glad you've found interest in fuinjutsu I'm sure if grandma mito was still alive she'd love to share her knowledge with you, matter of  a fact as heir to the uzumaki clan I will give you all of her sealing scrolls and uzumaki possessions as it belongs to the uzumaki not the senju. "

Naruto " wow granny tsunade you'd do that for me I always knew you were the best dattebayo."

Crisis adverted not only did she not find out what was in the scroll but I also am going to gain more research material. I don't know how I could have explained that the scroll was filled with hundred of dna samples that I keep adding to my collection.

She then told us the reason we were summoned and how shikamaru was to lead the squad to get sasuke back the reason I was not considered for the squad leader is because sasuke is my teammate and it may lead to me making bad judgments we then had to find people who were free to join us and the only available people other than us were kiba, Neji, and choji.

We wound up gathering them and left to follow sasukes trail. I warned them about how the curse mark works while we were traveling so they would be better prepared. We noticed the string that was left to prepare the sound min for the followers and I pointed out the near invisible string in the shadow of the second string. However kiba sneezed and gave away our position we then jumped into the opening ready to fight but I then noticed something when were in combat position and that was the girls hair it's pinkish red. I point at her and speak

Naruto " huh your hair "

Tayuya " what of it you little shit "

That's when the fat ginger uses a Justu to encapsulate us in a dome. The others insult him a bit before leaving. Shikamaru then does his plan to find where the guy is relative to the dome. Instead of attacking the weakest point I used a massive rasengan on the strongest point breaking through and injuring the sound ninja who now had a broken arm. This shocked my squad mates but they came out none the less.

Choji " you guys go ahead I got this one"

We didnt worry to much because the guy was injured but nonetheless we gave him the answer that he'd better come out of this alive.

We then went on to chase the other people. We started dwindling down in numbers until only me and shikamaru remained chasing the only female out of the sound four. When we stopped her she cursed.

Naruto " your name the others said it was tayuya but what's your last name?!"

Shikamaru seemed confused.

Tayuya " I'm an orphan you little shit how the hell am I supposed to know ?"

Naruto " your hair it's a very particular color so I believe you may be part of or related to one of two clans. Either the uzumaki clan which I'm the heir of who are renowned for their red hair or from the lesser known haruno clan which has often has pink hair. You happen to have a hair that is a mix between the two colors as if you might be a hybrid of the two. So if there is a chance your in my clan or my friends clan I have to find out."

Tayuya " like is believe you, your hair is yellow"

We are interrupted by the appearance of a new person who threatened two kill tayuya and took sasuke who was in a container. I told shikamaru to try to keep her alive and he could do that by putting a paralysis tag on her which I handed him I then went to chase the pale man. Once I caught up to him I new I was in for a fight so I took a out my blade and immediately body flickered Behind him catching him off guard slicing a small piece of flesh of his back which I quickly sealed away. We then fiercely fought sword versus bones I was getting more frustrated and was contemplating going all out on him since he was clearly very skilled and sasuke had just got out and was running away. Minutes later rock lee showed up and told me to follow sasuke I thanked him and told him about kimimaros ability and wished him luck.  I then ran after sasuke.

I don't know what I'll do but I know this is going to be a life defining moment for the both of us.......

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