Chunin exam finals part 2

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Naruto POV

Sasukes fight went the same as in the original meaning the chidori caused Gaara to loose it in return signaled the attack on the leaf village. I immediately dispelled the genjutsu the second it made contact. Gaara and his siblings fled and sasuke went right after them. Kakashi was about to give orders But Sakura chased after sasuke.

Kakashi " damnit, Naruto gather a squad and go after them those two won't be enough to take down those three and they will probably receive reinforcements so ill Summon one of my ninja hounds, the one named Paku to follow their trail . "

He summoned paku and gave him the order to lead me to sasuke, Once I gather a squad .

Haku immediately volunteered to go with me, zabuza stayed with guy and kakashi to handle things around the arena. I then found a 'sleeping' shikamaru.

Naruto " hey shikamaru I know your awake and not affected by the genjutsu, I need you to assist me right now in return I'll pay for you next time choji asks for go get lunch with you and play a game of shogi with you. "

Shikamaru lazily got up

Shikamaru " it's a drag but it's a good deal besides since I've been found out I can't continue faking because of my mom hears about it ......."

He trails off and shivers. We make our way to a hole in the wall when I spot someone standing.

Naruto " yo Shino come with us and you might get to fight that puppet guy you've been training to go up against besides we can use another reliable person like you dattebayo!"

Shino was silent but joined us however I noticed the small expression of shock that I acknowledged him.

We all then followed paku. Shino was first to split off from us as we were confronted by kankuro whom which Shino volunteered to take on. We continued on and we could tell this time we were being tracked. Shikamaru volunteered to divert them from our path. I sent a shadow clone with him and reminded him that kakashi mentioned they'd send reinforcements if possible.

We continued on and were stopped by temari Haku told me he will handle it so I gave him a kiss of good luck before departing.

I soon caught up to a injured and tired sasuke who couldn't really move do to the curse mark and chakra exhaustion and a Sakura pinned to a tree by sand. As well as a partial transformation by Gaara.

Sasuke " dobe what are you doing here? Wait a minute isn't that shisui's sheath and tanto?!? It doesn't matter your no match for him get out of here before your killed too. "

Naruto " I haven't trained so Hard for nothing you know besides I'm sure I can find a way to take him down believe it !"

Gaara " uzumaki I also want your blood, let's see if you put up more of a fight than the uchiha. "

He then charged me, so I dodged and took out my tanto. I sliced his large sand arm off and went behind him and stuck six paper bombs to his back before kicking him up into the air. I'm the air the bombs went off and you could hear him yell in pain. He fell to the ground all sand gone and his second skin armor cracked with blood dripping out. Panting he released a sand tsunami in my direction I am caught in it and smothered. Using one of my specially trained basic moves I substitute my self with his sand gourd. You see I've mastered the substitution jutsu to the point where I can substitute with nearly anything in a one hundred meter radius as long as I know where the object is that's why I take such detailed inspections of my area wherever I go, as well as spam the move near endlessly do to my massive chakra reserve.

Reborn as Naruto Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora