After some while, Kaira talked to me. Her words were a blur; she said that the doctors were trying to save her. Save her? I was the one who was supposed to save her! Not them! I narrowed my eyes at my little sister. But her words got me thinking. I looked back at my soulmate and gasped. She was right. There were claw marks and blood stains. Her face was bruised and swelling. She was really hurt.

My head snapped up when Cad growled at Kai. That's when I saw the doctors with the syringe. They were serious. And they were right. Our soulmates needed someone to attend to their wounds. I surprised myself when I said the next words,

"Okay, I'll go with Caden. But Kai, please be here with her until I can see her..." I said and looked expectantly at Kai. She nodded, and I gave a signal to the doctors to put Cad to sleep.

"No! I won't leave her here..." Caden growled.

"Cad, they're hurt. Let the doctors treat them..." I talked back, and they plunged the syringe in. Caden was falling off from bed and I rushed to capture him in my arms.

"I'm sorry..." I mouthed to Caden and rushed out from the room. I needed to get as far away as possible before I change my mind and they won't be able to treat her. I ran outside and went straight into the woods. I couldn't stop looking at Caden, and think about my soulmate as I ran deeper into the woods.

Through all that running with Cad in my arms, I cried for our soulmates.

"Jer?" I snapped away from my thoughts. Someone was holding my shoulder, so I looked up and saw my best friend, Matt staring worriedly at me.

Matt and I had been best friends since we were toddlers. We went to the same school, up until now, the same college. He was Elder Tim's son, and my soon to be second in command, when I step up as Chief.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked him. I looked at his spectra cougar, Cameron. He was staring at Caden, who was sleeping in bed with his soulmate. His breathing was coming out in pants, and he was frowning. Must be the nightmares again. I reached out to him and subtly patted his grey fur.

"The boy, he's awake..." he said. I quickly jumped out from my seat and held his shoulder for confirmation. He nodded and we both rushed to the other room. I wanted to wake up Caden, but voted against the idea. He needed his rest. This was the first time he slept since yesterday. He refused to do anything, but just be by his soulmate's side.

"Have you told the Chief?" I asked Matt. He just nodded.

Before I got out, I gave a light peck on my soulmate's cheek and sighed. I inhaled her scent in one breath.

'I hope you wake up soon, love...' I monologue.

"She'll wake up soon, bro..." Matt said, patting my shoulder. I just smiled and nodded at him.

Matt already found his soulmate at college, Mandy. She was from another pack though, and for this holiday, Mandy's parents wanted her to spend it with them. Matt would join them later, when his father lets him go and gives him a break. His father pushed him too hard. I always gave him permission to go, but he stuck with me, as his future superior. He's a good friend.

We entered the boy's room and closed the door tight. I began observing the boy who was badly wounded and looked dazed. A doctor was examining him and asking him questions.

He had that very authentic face with a boyish look. Jet black hair and dark brown eyes. What attracted me most was he showed vulnerability within those eyes, but held secrets as well. Now this is what I'm going to find out. He looked pretty young, 15, maybe 16? Even so, he looked well built, and had a strong jaw. Heck, look at those muscles flexing on his arms.

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