Chapter Eighteen

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Hey loveliess. Chapter is up! Dedicated to the ones who's reading :) Thanks Loves! Jer's POV and his soulmate.... XD

Chapter Eighteen

Jeremy Razz

It's been two days. Two consecutive, torturing days...

And she hadn't woken up yet. My soulmate. Both of them.

I can't believe it. When we finally found our soulmate, they were hurt.

Not just hurt, they were wounded. Even if we heal faster than any normal human, bruises, claw marks and bites. They were all still there. I couldn't look at them like this. Still, we stayed by their side.

I was thankful that Dad and Ramon had given us a break and let us stay with them. Being the next in line for Chief, every time that we were home from college, they would give us lessons and involved ourselves in pack duty. I didn't blame them. They just wanted us to be prepared for this huge responsibility. And we get it, it's serious stuff. Caden and I had given our best in everything. Every battle, every calling, every meeting, we attended it all with no fuss. We were used to everything already.

Right now, sitting in the room with my broken soulmate, I couldn't help but think that I didn't give my all.

At one point, I doubted that she was my soulmate. I cursed myself. Of course they were ours. Caden confirmed it and the bond was there.

Yesterday, when we arrived at the clinic, a strong scent hit me. It was the smell of roses and fresh soil after the rain. I thought that someone wore a perfume too much, but it wasn't. When I looked at Caden, he was experiencing the same thing. He smelled the same scent.

We rushed inside, leaving mom and the others outside. It got worse. The scent swirled all around me and I got dizzy. I didn't bother asking the nurses at the counter. We just followed our trusty noses. As we turned around a corner, we saw our dads. It was more confusing. Did they smelt the strong scent too? Was it a bad sign?

Eventually, they all caught with us and talked with Dad for a brief moment. I got to know that the victims that we saved were unknown. This means they weren't in our pack. Throughout that conversation, Cad was harassing my mind, telling to go into the room that was near us. I told him to wait; I didn't want to disturb the doctors that were in there. I told him, even dad and Ramon was still outside. Even so, I was fidgeting inside too, feeling nervous about I don't know what.

Cad didn't listen to me. He burst into the room. Being his Bender, I had the instinct to follow him and made sure he was safe. As soon as we stepped in, I saw Cad changing colours. His fur was swirling with rainbow colours, the kind that I've never seen Cad done it before. Then, I saw them. Two beds, one held the girl, and another held her Spectra, I assumed.

A doctor who was working on the patient there came by us and pushed my shoulders slightly,

"Sir, you can't be in here right now..." he said to me. By that time, Caden was already on the bed with the spectra, wrapping his body around her. He was growling sadly, making my heart ache. I walked closer to the other bed, when I saw the most beautiful girl sleeping there, looking wounded. My heartbeat rose, and my breathing went ragged. We found them.

"Soulmate..." I whispered under my breath. I could sense all my family already barged into the room. It was true; the scent of roses and soil came from them. I held in their intoxicating scent and felt bubbly inside. I've never felt happier. But it was cut short when I saw her wounds.

"She's hurt..." I said, exasperated. I walked forward and wrapped my arms around her. When our skins touched, a tingling sensation shot through my body. I shivered in pleasure and nuzzled my nose in her neck, taking in her sweet scent. Some doctors were trying to pull me away, but I used my Earth bending to push them away. I don't want anyone near her!

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