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Hi, this is my first book ever in Wattpad, I want to thank my best friend in the entire world for making this possible, thank you. I hope you like the story.
(Clay POV)

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, DragonGoddessGirl, thank you for always being there for me!

"Peril?", Clay was nervously sprinting through the halls. He must admit, he was a little worried. She usually doesn't go far from his reach. "What if she's mad at me, did I do something wrong?!" Clay shook that thought out of his head. Suddenly something came running towards him. Clay stepped back squinting, attempting to see who it was, he was relieved when the dragon came into view, showing it was Peril.

"Clay" Peril screamed out of the blue, she shockingly pounced on Clay, hugging him with her flaring fierce fire wings, snuggling him as tightly as possible. Indicating she was happy to see him.

"Hi, Peril". Clay said gasping a little.
Peril, hearing the heavy gasping tone in Clays voice, eased her grip, allowing Clay to breath easy once more.

"Sorry Clay", She said turning away to smile, she knew Queen Scarlet was gone, but, Queen Scarlet had taught her to never show her weakness, and in this case, it was Clay.
"Clay, the most awsomest-thingy thing just happened"? Peril jumped off of him and started to twirl like a scavenger trying to find a spear. Clay giggled alittle at Perils inner scavenger

Peril stopped, hearing Clays giggles, she sat up straight using her worrier look, brushing off the dust, that had somehow managed to get on top of her snout. After she had adverted that she was no longer doing her inner scavenger, Clay managed to stop smirking.
Peril, narrowing her eyes, explained what was happened

"Then when I was out in the forest, something huge just walked past me, it looked fluffy and brown, but then it growled at me, so I growled back, but the cactus head animal at gotten on its back legs before I could hiss at it, it tried to attack me but I backed up, it missed me and almost fell off the cliff, right before I was about to go back inside, the bear tried to attack me agian, but then the most coolest amazing thing happened, a burst of fire flew through the air scratching the animal, but what was weird was that it actually looked like a bird. So after that furry animal left  went to find the bird thingy, but once I finally
found it, it was perched on a wood branch, then it spotted me, I was sure it was going to fly away but then it did the most weirdest thing, it flew off of the branch and landed on my arm! And it didn't burn up! I then petted it and it purred, can birds do that, but then it flew away after it heard YOU yelling, but don't worry I'm going to forgive you". Peril took a breath
Clay however took no time at all to respond. "Wow, Peril, what was that big fuzzy thing, oh do you think I could eat it"? Clay licked his lips, trying to imagine the taste the animal could have.

Peril slumped her wings in frustration.
"Three moons, were you even listening about the fire bird thingy"?!

"Ughhh, oh aaa, what bird" Clay said clueless

Peril let out an irritated scream and stormed off to her sleeping cave, leaving Clay in confusion

~~~{~~~~~{{~~~}~~~(Time change)
(Peril POV)

Peril was reading the iron fireproof scroll when Clay had finally decided to show up.

"I'm, sorry Peril, I'm sorry I ummm". Before Clay could guess what he did wrong,
Peril had already rolled her eyes and had already cut him off
"Really, you don't even know what you did"!?

Clay blushed, knowing she was correct.
Peril just shook her head, getting up and walking over to her stone bed, most dragonet had hammocks, but Peril wasn't that lucky.

Peril laid her head down with the rest of her body making a thump noise when she hit the stone bed, feeling the cold shiver of the stone going through her body, of coarse that didn't last long.

Clay walked up to her, hesitant. Then went over to her stone desk looking at her scroll. Most dragons would have a hard time reading the stone scroll, but he had known what she was reading from heart

"The Dragonets of Destiny". Clay read out loud, Clay looked at Peril, she didn't move one bit, he continued

"The Dragonets of Destiny, Chapter 6. Clay was all alone up in his sky dungeon, covered in chains, smelling smoke, and looking at the horizon, Clay was waiting for one dragon, and one dragon only, his Peril. He had been waiting to see her magnificent face all day, until she finally arrived, her red and orange scales covering the sky, smiling at him, and him smiling at her, they had an amazing night, talking about the arena, and talking among other things, but Clay wasn't listening, not because of food, not because of his wounds, but because he was to busy staring at her, the most beautiful dragon in Pyrrhia. Peril frowned realizing the time, she had to leave, but Clay wanted to do one last thing, he quickly kissed her on the cheek. And the night went on", Clay stopped talking realizing Peril had moved to face him.

Peril was smiling, listening to him read aloud
"Thats not in the story" Peril said raising her eyebrow
Clay was now smiling back at her, her smiles now washed over him. Clay walked over to her, stitting besides her
"Your right, that wasn't in the story, but..this is in our story", Clay leaned into Peril kissing her, but this one wasn't quick, no, it was passionate, magical, and perfect, Peril pulled away, breathing heavily for a secound.

"Is this, our story"? Peril asked blankly

"Maybe, but I like to think of it as our destiny". He replied.
Peril smiled once more before Clay got up from her stone bed and kissed her slightly on the forehead
He walked up to the entrance of her cave, and turned around standing, facing her.

"After all, I am a Dragonet of Destiny".

Hey guys, hope you like/love my story,
sorry if it was consider short, but I thought the ending was nice.
JSYK (Just,So,You,Know) The next article will be a week after all this happened. Three moons do I have a surprise for you!

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