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The day had come. Anderson had slipped a small note into your robes during breakfast the day before explaining where to meet her Friday morning.

You'd been a lot happier this week, the idea of being away from your life for a little while brought you peace. You didn't bother to ask why April wanted to switch too but she never questioned you either.

You watched cautiously through out the week, a nagging feeling someone might catch you and snitch. You spent the days with the weasly twins or luna as harry, Ron and hermione had been off doing some work for dumblebore, well that's what ginnie had told you. In general the week had been the best in a while.

Early Friday morning you managed to sneak away from breakfast and down to the girls bathrooms, where you found April beginning to undo her tie and taking off her robe. She had folded her jumper neatly on the counter next to the sink. You were slightly bigger than her but you managed to fit into her clothes perfectly fine, which made you feel satisfactory.

As you stood staring at yourself in the mirror in syltherin robes, you felt a peace deep inside you, like somehow this was right. You looked over to April who had the same small smile plastered on her face. She turned to you holding up the potion you had made.

"Bottoms up." She smiled brightly as you two chugged down the liquid together. Turning your attention back to the mirror, you watched as your hair began to fade darker and the length shrinking, your reflection growing bigger infront of you, you had never really been tall and it was a weird feeling. The person infront of you was April yet you controlled everything she did.

"Try not to fuck me over too much." She laughed as you both admired your new features.

"I'll try..." Your mouth hung open slightly as you touched your pinker lips. Your skin paler then usual.

"Alright Well, we should probably get going. Remember you're syltherin. Go to syltherins table okay?" April still sounded slightly like herself. You nodded stepping back slightly. You still had your sneakers on which were tighter them usual.

April left first, you watched as your own body skipped out the bathroom, April smiling bigger than anything you'd ever seen before. You knew she was going to thrive in your body, hoping she'd find some peace. you began to leave too shortly after. You stumbled down the corridor, still getting use to being in someone else's body. As you entered the great hall you felt a hand wrap around your shoulder. Flint the syltherin team captain smirked down at you.

"Anderson." He began. You blinked up at him before realising he was talking to you.

"Yes flint." You said coughing a little, trying to get April's voice right. Flint removed his arm laughing a little. He was looking down at you like usual.

"Coming to practice tonight?" His eyes scanned yours.

"im guessing that isn't a question." You said Standing taller. If you were going to pretend to be a syltherin, then you had to act like one.

"Correct 7pm Sharp, Anderson." He smirked before leaving to sit down for breakfast. You followed climbing into the seat next to pansy. Opposite you was blaise, next to him malfoy. You bit your tounge as you poked at the bacon.

"Aren't you a vegetarian?" Pansy laughed staring at you.

Oh come on April. You couldn't of told me that you thought.

"Yeah." You whispered shrinking into your seat as the syltherins gave you a weird look. Your eyes avoided dracos but you could feel the look he gave you from Miles away. You sat still hoping he'd look away but he didn't. It was like he could see straight through you.

"Here." Blaise said finally breaking the awkward tension on the table. He passed you a bowl of cereal and some oak milk. "Late night Anderson?" You simply nodded taking the bowl from his hands. Pansy passed a spoon towards you. Considering syltherins had a bad reputation they all seemed to look after each other.

"God a long night indeed. I would reach for the bacon too after snapes essay" Pansy laughed.

"Yeah what's wrong with him. I thought he was meant to favourite us." Blaise hissed. Flint laughed punching him in the arm.

"Good one mate. Snape hates everyone." They all sniggered with one another. You turned your head to follow dracos gaze, you'd caught him staring slightly past your head. Your eyes caught April across the hall just as awkward as you, she was avoiding the meat and laughing along with some gryffindors. Your eyes flickered back malfoy to see he had adverted his attention back to you.

"So. Anderson." He began slowly."At practice tonight you going to knock blaise off his Broom again?" You kept your eyes attached to his. This was definitely a test to see if you were really the same person who sat here every day.

"One I never did that. And two blaise tried knocking me off." You saw blaise wink your way as you continued to stare at malfoy. Everything coming out your mouth was complete guesses but you must of guessed right because draco smirked before turning back to his toast.

The day went by as any other day, it was suprising to see how much worse the kids in this house were being treated compared to the others. The amount of homework they were set, it was like the teachers thought it would keep them busy enough to stop being evil.

As the sky began to fade to a darker shade of blue you followed draco and the rest of the team down to the field. Syltherin had requested it for Friday night as tomorrow they played gryffindor in the semi finals.

Your hands began to shake as the cold air brushed past you all. It was nearly the end of year, everything had happened this school year that you had forgotten cedirc had died only a few weeks ago. The idea of going home for summer loomed over you as you ran to catch up with the others. Luckily April had told you just where to find a uniform and her Broom. Not like that would magically make you a good flyer. You had stopped playing a year ago because you were more clumsy than anyone else.

"Alright. Split into two teams. Well have a small match." Flint said Standing infront of everyone. Malfoy was put on the team against you. He hadn't broke eye contact since you had arrived.

"Alright then Anderson let's do this." Blaise laughed behind you. April had apparently been a chaser so you had been up front and center all evening.

As you grabbed the quaffle, hugging it under you right arm for dear life, you flew threw the other players at great speeds. As you turned to throw the ball in the goal, malfoy came out of now where hitting you hard. You felt the broom stuggle under you as you span a 360 to avoid his second hit. You quickly dipped down throwing the quaffle to blaise before pulling up again driving right into draco. You watched him grip for his life before diving into the ground. You watched as he rolled off his Broom on the damp grass below you.

Everyone began to descend from their brooms as flint called practice to a finish.

"You alright malfoy?" Blaise sniggered.

"I'm fine." He hissed brushing the dirt from his robes. His eyes evil as they made you shrink back from the group.

The betrayal - draco malfoy and youOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara