Thirty seven

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"He gave you what?" Ginny asked excitedly. It was dinner time, the boys had left to practice for the quidditch match that was slowly approaching.

You opened your mouth to begin talking but closed it again as you watched hermione chime in. She sat next to luna while Ginny leant across the table next to you.

"A promise ring. Listen gin seriously." Hermione laughed, turning her head back to you.

"He also called me Mrs malfoy." You winked as the girls all looked at you in awe.

"Why on earth did he do that?" Ginny asked yet again.

"He said. He uh said...if things were going to go to shit like they are already  here at hogwarts. He wanted me to remember he is mine. Forever." You smiled shyly.

"Mrs know I could see it." Luna grinned."Y/n malfoy... How cute." Her voice was soft and soothing.

"Why would you want to marry him?"

"Ginny that's rude!" Hermione shouted bluntly.

"Sorry let me rephrase that. Would you marry know if he asked?"

You turned your body to face Ginny, the question roamed around you head ever since he gave you the ring, of course you could see yourself marrying draco. There was no one else you wanted but the idea of marrying someone you could potentially lose was too dangerous, too emotional to think about.

"Well I think for one we're far too young to be thinking about marriage. The promise ring is far enough for your age y/n" Hermione saved you from answering. Because if you did you would of said yes. You nodded along as the conversation slowly began to change, Luna expressing her excitement for the match as it had been forever since she's been to one.

You sat back observing the girls, they were full of life and colour as they joked around about what boys were hot or not. Your fingers twisted dracos ring gently around your finger, the cold metal sending shivers down your spine. The idea of being his own made your heart skip, the idea of belonging brought you a sense of peace. But you had too agree, you were way to young, way too reckless and in far too much danger to commit to someone. You couldn't stand to think about what would happen if draco had to leave, if you had to leave.

You attention was snapped back by Harry and Ron sitting down at the table, Harry's eyes heavy on yours. Of course he had to know everything about you, of course he still didn't believe draco was all that innocent.

You had over heard him telling people that draco cursed katie but you hardly believed it. If draco seriously nearly killed a girl he would of told you. At least you thought so. It was unlike draco to lie to you.

After the match you had gone straight to find him, he sat slouched over on top of the same trunk you sat upon a few days ago. His eyes puffy and his skin red from the cold winters air.

"Draco?" You called out through the broken record player, his soft cries muffled by the sweet sound of birds flying over head, you would always duck to avoid any droppings they cared to share.

"Draco?" You called out again, turning the corner slowly to see him. His face buried in his hands. His soft cheeks flushed matching his blood shoot eyes as he slowly lifted his head to look at you. He was embarrassed you had caught him crying but you were even more embarrassed you hadn't noticed how distraught he had been recently.

"Are you okay? Sorry stupid question of course you're not okay." You corrected yourself before sitting down on the broken trunk, your leg pushed against dracos, his warmth radiating through you.  He took your hand gently in his placing it on top of his knee. His eyes stayed glued to the cabinet infront of you.

"Did you curse katie?" You finally asked. Silence flooded around you as malfoy tensed up, his hand becoming sweaty, his skin slowly turning a brighter shade of red. Your eyes caught his as he blinked back a puddle of tears waiting to be released.

"Yes." He whispered as if he spoke any louder he would crumble.

"Oh draco...why didn't you tell me?"

"I told you, I didn't want you involved."

"But I am involved draco and you know that. There's no getting out of this, I appreciate you shielding me from it but I don't want to be cradled, especially if it means you're getting hurt. Forever remember? Or was that just some sorta toy to get me to stay in line?"

"What no? Y/n I gave you that ring because I meant it. And I don't cradle you, im trying to protect you. I didn't want you to be caught up in nearly killing a class mate because I know how close you are with everyone. Everyone loves you. They expect nothing more from me."

"Malfoy listen to me now. I appreciate this tough boy attitude you've got going on, I understand you don't want me getting hurt. But the matter of the fact is I'm involved whether you like it or not." You replied pulling up your sleeve to revel the mark. "Now you can continue to act like a big boy. Or you can let me in. Let me help you. Stop making it so hard for your self. I take full responsibility for my action malfoy. And if I get hurt you can tell me 'told you so'. Now, If you're quite done with the very cute act, tell me why you're crying" You sighed, taking in a deep breath.

"Wow, okay. I'm sorry for wanting to protect the one I love the most" He screamed standing up from the trunk, you rolled your eyes at his childish behaviour.

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! IF YOU DONT SIT THE FUCK BACK DOWN NOW, I SWEAR TO GOD YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT LOVE IS AGAIN!." Your voice echoed through the room stopping draco in his tracks. He spun around slowly raising his hands in defeat, his face pulled into a small smirk as he stepped slowly back over to you.

"Wow that was hot." He laughed standing inches away from your fiery face. You sometimes hated how he could never be serious long enough.

"Yes well. You should really listen to me. I'm not a baby you know." You replied calming a little as his hands slowly grabbed your face, his thumb brushing your warm cheeks.

"I'm just trying to protect you." He whispered.

"I know and I appreciate that. But I don't want protection if that means you're going to get hurt. We can do this together draco there's no reason not to." You replied In a similar tone voice. he rested his head on your shoulder, you slowly copied him. His arms were now wrapped tightly around your back, his breathing on your neck. You slowly raised a hand to the back of his head, losing your fingers in his soft white hair while your other hand rested on his back.

"Im sorry." He said into the Base of your neck.

"So am I."

"I should of told you. I should of."

"Well of course you should of silly. What are girlfriends for if we can't listen to the gossip." You felt him laugh slightly against you.

"I really did get lucky hey."

"You won the lottery."


"Muggle thing." You laughed.

"Oh. Okay well then. Yeah I guess I have."

The two of you stood in a comfortable silence as draco pulled you closer. The tension lifted and the rest fullness of dracos calm breathing filling the room. He had worse mood swings then you but that was one of the many things you loved about him.

You were prepared to start helping. You were going to help because whether or not malfoy liked the idea, the two of you were in this together like you explained multiple times before.

You were so close to fixing the cabinet and in that moment, in the silence you decided you were going to be the one to complete dracos task. Even if he hated your for it, this soft, sad boy didn't have it in him.

You were not about to let him become a murderer.

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