Thirty eight

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It was late one afternoon, the weather had changed ever so slightly and the cabinet had finally been fixed.

Draco malfoy avoided telling his parents that the deed was done, he wanted to wait until the time was right. To you that was never, no time was going to be right to kill someone.

You sat on the sofa in the gryffindor common room with a few other students. Seamus and Dean had planned a huge party for tonight that you couldn't ignore. All the sixth years gather round a table full of fire whisky taking shots after shots.

"Come on y/n!" Seamus called over to you.  He was one of your closest friends, although the two of you never really spoke anymore he had a special place in your heart, he was kind and caring and would always know how to get you into the right mood.

"Nah im good here seam" You replied smiling sweetly. But he didn't take no for an answer. Seamus and Dean pulled you from your feet and practically dragged you over to the small table that first years were banned from.

"Go on. Y/l/n down it." Dean cheered patting you on the back. You stumbled slightly from the pressure of his hand, before caving.

"Fuck it." You said to yourself before picking up the rather large bottle. You quickly unscrewed the lid pouring the liquid down your throat. It Bured at first as you gulped down way too much but after a while you barely noticed the feeling, until the bottle was completely empty. You let our a large burp before turning to see the shocked faces of harry, Ron and hermione.

"HEY GUYS!" You called.

"Hey...y/n?" Harry asked cautiously.
"not like you to be drinking."

"You'd be suprised Potter. I've drank alot more than some fire whisky." You slurred your words a little as the effects kicked in fast.

"Wow always full of surprises." One said, you weren't too sure who but you just nodded in agreement.

"Well. Would would you care to join me? Join us I mean. Me and seamus oh and Dean are about to play beer pong. They think they can win but I don't think so."

"No thanks y/n. You should really go to bed yourself." Hermione replied carefully.

"Oh. Well okay bye." You laughed before turning back to the two other boys who had already set up the game.

You strolled over to the table where a few red cups had been layed out. A ping pong ball at either end, you turned your dizzy gaze to seamus as he threw his ball into your cup, first try. As stated in the rules you quickly gulped down the cup before throwing your Ball over to seamus side, missing the cups by Miles.

This went on for longer then necessary until all your cups had gone and you'd barely made a dent in seamus and deans collection. Your feet didn't feel like your own right now and your mind was anywhere but your head.

"This is bullshit." You said in a language that wasnt understandable. "I'm going for a walk!" You shouted over the music. Of course seamus and Dean had already turned their attention to another game with some seventh years.

Your feet fell all over the place as you made your way to the portrait door. Your hands skimmed the walls for support as your eyes were too burry to make out anything logically.

As you began down the stairs you accidentally tripped, falling down a few. 

"Oops sorry." You said sweetly, your hands pushed against a firm chest that caught you. Their arms under your armpits keeping you up. "Okayyy well thank you awkward man but I'm going to be going mow." You hummed trying to push yourself off them again but they didn't let go. "Do I have to scream. Please just let me go." Your arms flew around your body as you tried to push yourself off the boy.

"Stop it princess. You're going to fall down another set of stairs in a minute if you carry on."

"Ohhh it's you." You replied smiling. Your hands feeling the face of draco malfoy. You let your fingers follow his jaw line.  Your head hung lazily against his chest.
"Yep definitely you. Can tell but that jaw anywhere."

"Uh..thanks? What's wrong with you?" He asked pushing you back a little. Your back was pressed against the rail of the staircase, one of dracos arms wrapped around your back keeping you in place. His other moving the hair from your face. You felt like your body was a rag doll right now and holding your head up to look at him was impossible. As if he sensed that he moved his free hand to your chin lifting your face up for you.

"Hello beautiful." You chooed.

"Jesus. You're drunk!"

"What noo I only had maybe like uh." You held up your hand, pulling up three fingers. "One..two uh three bottles."

"fucking hell. And they just let you leave? Let you wonder around completely oblivious?"

"Big words. I forget you're a smartie pants. I like that. "

Draco rolled his eyes instead of answering.

"Hmm dee you know. I think I might go."

"Go where?"

"To the astronomy tower of course. I feel like watching the stars. High above like a bird. YES A BIRD." Draco raised his finger to your lips hushing you.

"One be quiet. No need to be caught. Two you're not going there alone this drunk. Three I think you'd make a cute bird. "

"But I'm not an actual bird? That's silly. I'm me. And you can always come with me dee the human."

"Why do you do this to yourself? It's not going to make you feel any better birdie."

" You sound like party pooper Potter. And I'm not a bird" You frowned at malfoy as he let lose a small smirk.

"For once he probably has a point. How about Bed, then we can to the astronomy tower when it warmer yeah?" You looked at draco carefully as you realised this probably wasn't a question, more a demand.

"Pff fine. You win. I'm a bird. I'm going to bed. God this place. Do everyone store their wands up their own arses?" You huffed before climbing back up the stairs.

"Love you too birdie." Malfoy called from the bottom of the staircase. A massive smile plastered across his face.

"Yeah yeah." You shouted back.

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