Fifty six

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The time had come for harry to face voldermort, his hand wrapped around dracos old wand as he sent curse after curse at the dark lord.

You watched as harry collapsed to the floor in victory, the dark lord vanishing before him. Potter  had done it he  had won. A smile plastered brightly on your face as you turned to smile his way, your body cut and bruised from helping hold off death eaters.

Your eyes twisted in confusion as Harry's  face dropped when he saw you. A flash of light heading your way hit you causing you to crumple to the floor. Your eyes searching for the person who had sent the cruse. Your farther stood a few feet away, tears in his eyes before disappearing along with all the other death eaters.

Snape had prepared you for this moment, you knew the only way the dark lord would ever really be gone was if you died, you were a horcux.

You hadn't told anyone this beside luna and George, you knew harry already knew.

Your farther was never a bad man, he was doing everything he could from the inside to destroy the dark lord.

It may of seemed confusing to a normal person but you knew deep down this wasn't going to end happily.

The world was anything but your own.

You felt your head grow heavy as you tried to sit up, blood flowing all around you. You watched as harry scrambled over to you. His hand under your head as hermione Ron  george and luna  all stood, tears in their eyes next to your dying body.

"Y/n it's going to be okay. We've got you." Hermione cried as she grabbed potters shoulder. You held dracos ring tightly with your left hand while George grabbed your right, he was losing another family member.

"Harry...take my tears please." You begged. Your voice fading.


"Take my tears...I need draco to know how much he means to me..." You whispered. Harry's face sunk as he realised you knew what was going to happen. "Please." You repeated. He nodded without saying another word.

"Why couldn't your dad just use a curse that didn't make you suffer." George tried to joke as you layed next to him, you laughed a little. He deserved to know you found him funny.

"Im so sorry" You said in pain as your life began to close in on you. This wasn't how you wanted things to end, making people watch as you died. So you felt the need to apologise, say sorry for all the things you did wrong here at hogwarts.

"It's okay I promise...we're all proud of you." George answered.

"Cedirc is waiting for you...I promise I know... Your mother as well. They're going to meet you there, I promise." Harry cried as he remembered back to his family supporting him through it all.

"Does it hurt?" You asked turning to harry. He took a sharp breath before saying.

"Quicker than falling asleep." Your eyes began to close as the world around you grew darker. Your mind going back to the first time you fell on love with draco, high above the sky on the back of your mother's Broom, his hand tight around yours.

" Tell draco...I forgive him and that...I love him-." You whispered as everything came to a close. You heard a few screams as everything finally stopped. The ticking of your heart beat coming to an end. The image of draco fading and your grip on his ring losining.

It really was over. You really had lost everything to save everyone...

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