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"Shhh, it's okay." A voice hummed, the sound travelling through your fragile body. You felt their hand gently stroke your hair, their fingers getting lost within your soft locks.

A tear fell from your cheek burning the red skin that rested on your face, you felt the tear fall into a cut just above your lip, you bit down on the pain, hoping it would go away. You remained quiet and still as the person above you cradled you just like your mother use to.

You were sat in a dark dusty hallway, the walls painted black matching the marble flooring. The lights flickered on and off every few seconds, catching your eye. you could barely see out through your swollen eye lids.

The hand remained in your hair as the voice continued to shush you, the calming voice of a mother as you crumbled to peices yet again. You felt like a mess. Every part of you was fading and everyone could see.
You felt your left arm sting a little as you continued to cry silently on the cold floor, a draft blowing gently across your body. You held your skirt down with one hand hoping it didn't blow up.

Your mind was gone, it had left you alone and hollow as you layed in the arms of another's mother.

"How is she?" A man asked kneeling down just infront of you. You didn't hear the conversation they exchanged.

"She'll be okay." The lady returned. Your eyes caught glance of soft blonde hair falling from the shoulder of the man who crouched infront of you. His face stern and fixed on the women behind you. His hand grabbed her squeezing it slightly before standing up again.

"Sort her out before he gets home. Okay?" He demanded before closing the door again. You heard the click of a lock as the women reached up securing the two of you in this part of her house. You shifted slightly as she did. You felt the women stand, bringing you up with her.

"Come on." She whispered before pulling you towards what you presumed to be a bathroom. The older women guided you into a small room, in the middle was a neatly made bed and in the corner sat a black chair next to an old wooden door.

The women helped you climb into bed before she left to grab a rag, she sat next to you as you layed, spaced out on the mattress. She dabbed at your cuts before leaving, she said her goodbyes, asking you to get some rest before closing the door behind her.

As another door clicked shut you let out a scream that you managed to muffle by your forearm. You could feel the fiery sensation coming back to you as you layed in a strangers bed.

"Ah. Miss y/l/n. How I've been waiting for you." The dark lord said calmly. His hands resting on the old oak wood table he sat behind.

You stood in the door way taking in his hideous features, from his long fingernails to the lack of nose. He really was terrifying.

"Your farther has given me permission to make you mine." He continued, pushing himself out from under the table. Your eyes attached to his wand, it was bone like, white and pale like the malfoys.

" I get a say in this?" You asked sheepishly. The dark lord let out a chuckle that filled the large room, his laugh just as hideous as the rest of him.

"No my dear. You were never yours to begin with. You have always belonged to me." He spat harshly. His posture straighting as he moved closer to you, your back pressed firmly against the wall. "You work for me. And only me. Your farther explains youre a mess. Need someone to guide you to greatness."

"No." You whispered more to yourself then to him.

"Yes. Now give me your arm."

"No" You repeated. You felt a sharp pain across your face as voldermort hit you, hard. your hand grabbing your cheek in suprise. You felt the warm feeling of blood rushing down your lip to your chin. "I'm only a child sir." You pleaded.

"Even better. Now stop whining. You sound like your mother." Your mind quickly began to turn off at the mention of your mother. Was she really killed because she refused the mark? You stood slightly taller than a few minutes ago, trying to stop your brain from shutting this out, you needed to be stronger than she was. You needed to survive . You couldn't keep hiding every time you were overwhelmed or scared.

"This will only hurt a little bit." The dark lord finally said before grabbing your wrist. He pulled the sleeve of dracos jumper up, you looked down to see your skirt flowing up and down as a breeze filled the room. Your eyes quickly returning to your left arm as the dark Lords wand pushed into the fragile skin.

You had to use  everything in you not to scream, not to give him the satisfaction. Instead you bit down hard, splitting your lip as the pain radiated through your body.

Your knees began to buckle under you as the dark lords grip tightened around your arm. He was the only thing keeping you standing, your arm feeling like it was melting away or about to snap off. You felt a few rogue tears leave your eyes as you took a sharp breath. He had finally let go, stepping back to admire his own work.

"don't be running away. I'll be needing you." He said before sitting back at the table. You quickly scrambled to your feet, you unlocked the door pulling it shut quickly behind you. Narcissa stood outside waiting paitenly for you, her eyes full of concern as you fell to the floor in a heap. Your body couldn't handle that type of pain so young.

You felt the hatred for your farther rise in the back of your throat as you remembered how he had shoved you into that room, how he knew draco wasn't home to protest. You remember the stern gaze Lucius gave, the worried look Narcissa passed you as you stumbled through that door. The three of them had brought you nothing but pain, however the feeling of being in a mothers arms was all you wanted, so you let her cradle you. You let dracos mum comfort you as you knew she needed it just as much as you.

Your eyes finally flickered open, the moon had settled in the sky as your head turned to stare out the window. A few stars covered the sky as your breathing filled the room. You hadn't noticed the figure sitting in the chair opposite you until he coughed slightly to get your attention.

You couldnt see much beside the platinum blonde hair, that sat on his head and the grey eyes, that burned with anger.  Draco malfoy took in a sharp breath before standing. You could slightly see his clenched fists under the moonlight. His jaw was also clenched as he made his way over to you.

For the first time since meeting draco,  you  were genuinely scared of him in that moment. However to your suprise, all he did was pull the covers back next to you.

You felt the weight on the bed shift as he climbed in next to you. He stayed a few inches away from you at first, as if he was as scared of you as you were of him. You sighed before moving closer to him, you tugged the blankets over you even more as you rested your head on dracos chest. You felt him tighten under you before relaxing when he knew it was safe. One of his hands  rested on your hip while the other went straight to your hair. You wrapped both of yours around his stomach, holding him tightly. You took in his scent as you both layed in complete silence and darkness, a single penny would make more noise then the two of you right now.

Draco opened his mouth but you stopped him before he could say anything.

"It's okay dee. I'm okay." You whispered. You felt draco start to cry under you, sobs echoing through his body to his chest where your head laid. You quickly pulled yourself closer to him, your legs wrapped in his, his hand stuck in your hair, your arms securing him to you.

"Im so sorry." He whispered through heavy sobs.

"Shhh." You replied, you quickly began to hum, you hummed the same song draco would sing to you whenever you were upset. His chest began to calm ever so slightly as he joined in.

The room now filled with you two harmonising with one another, his soft voice radiating through your body as you continued to hum along with him.

The two of you, completely lost in one another were now in this together, forever. The dark marks inked into both your skins. Bringing you two together in a way you never wished would happen.

You two shared the same evil world now and you had a feeling it wasn't going to end well for the both of you.

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