Fourty two

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"Look harry, I really don't feel like this is appropriate. Especially with everything that's been going on." You argued tugging against potters firm grip, his hand wrapped around yours as he began to drag you through a field.

You had thought about ditching, staying with draco but harry had found you wandering the hallways alone and managed to Apparition you to the weasly house before you could even protest.

You stood outside the old house in a pair of blue jeans, rolled at the ankles, mismatch socks for good luck and dracos quidditch jumper Pansy gave you a few hours ago.

"Ah harry! My boy!" A women shouted as the front door swung open. She stood with a rag over her shoulder, ginger hair matching the rest of the weasly and a large friendly smile as she ran down the wooden stairs, arms open embracing the two of you.

"And who might this be?" She asked pulling back a little.

"Y/n. Y/n y/l/n" Harry said laughing.

"Oh my. You're the one Fred always speaks about. Well I'm molly weasly. Ronald mother." The women said happily."Come on then dears. Dinner is waiting."

Harry nodded at you before stepping back allowing you to enter the small house first. It seemed cosy, magic filled every corner. Old blankets and pillows layed out on the sofa that sat infront of a small fire, a large kitchen table with mismatch chairs and a stair case that seemed to go on forever.

"Well now everyone is here." Molly began, walking around the table to take a seat at the far end. Harry wondered around to Ginny pulling an empty chair from next to her. "Please. Y/n sit next to Fred. He has quite a crush on you." She winked as your eyes travelled to the twins. You smiled sweetly as Fred light up like a Christmas tree.

"Mum...she's dating the malfoy boy." Ron hissed across the table. You slowly began to take a seat next to Fred, lupin sitting to your right. You smiled awkwardly before helping yourself to a few bits of food on the table.

"The malfoy boy? You mean the one that's been causing you all that harm Ronald?" Molly gasped.


"It's okay Ron. Yeah dracos a bit of a dick Mrs weasly but he treats me with respect." You pipped up. The situation was awkward but there was no need to lie. Everyones eyes fell on you as you continued to serve yourself. "Well If I'm being truthfully honest, malfoy has been the only one to show me respect. Besides the twins and occasionally harry of course. He's pretty caring when you get to know him, he's just a bit insecure. A bit trapped if you get me." Everyone watched as you stuffed some food into your mouth. It had been a while since you had actually eaten.

"I have to agree. Even though I didn't teach the boy for very long. He was quite intelligent. And I'm sure he treats you with the care you deserve." Lupin continued. You nodded up to him appreciating the support.

"I see." Molly laughed. "Well as long as you're happy dear. But I must admit I think freddy here would treat you alot better." She winked as the two of you both choked on the food you were eating. Fred was a sweet boy but you never thought of him in that way. He wasn't the one you loved.

"Okay okay if you're done embarrassing our son I'd quite like to eat." Arthur laughed.

Once everyone had finished eating you all gathering in the rather small living room. Music hummed as chatter filled the space you all sat in. Fred and George giggling like school girls in the corner while the adults talked business by the fire.

"Hey y/n. I wanted to apologise about DADA." Ron coughed from behind you. Your eyes met his as he sat down next to you on the small sofa.

"Its okay. I was out of line. I'm sorry. I really wasn't going to hurt either of you." You replied calmly.

"We know. We understand why you freaked out. Must of been hard."

"Just a bit. I don't honestly want to be here tonight but harry practically kidnapped me." You both laughed as the music continued playing.

"Well I'm glad we can be on good terms. I hate fighting with you." He sighed. You hated fighting with them too. Everything was just so chaotic right now.

As the sun began to rise on a new day, you sat staring into the fire. The common room completely quiet, you'd been here all night since you arrived back from the weaslys. You had to admit you had more fun then you expected, feeling a tiny bit guilty for leaving draco.

Your eyes were focused on the red flames that flickered, your body spawned out on the matching red sofa. You had changed into your school robes, a cup of coffee sat a few feet away.

"Good morning y/n." A young girl announced. The clock read six am. The usual time gryffindors got up for breakfast. Your eyes followed the voice to see a girl who was a few years younger, standing in the door way or the girls dorms. Her dark brown hair falling down her shoulders as she began to walk down the stairs. You knew her quite well, you had actually tutored her a while back and stayed friends.

"Good morning valeria." You smiled back. She was a sweet girl, always prepared to fight off anyone causing people harm. She was also a good listener from what you rememberd. Infact her family only lived a few houses down from your farther so it wasn't unusual to see her alot.

"Have you been here all night?" She asked, scooping your legs up and placing them back down on top of her as she sat next to your layed out body.

"Pretty much."

"Malfoy still not awake yet?"

"You know about that?" You laughed.

"Everyone knows about it y/n. How you feeling about it?" She picked up your coffee smelling it before asking if she could have a sip. You nodded allowing her to.

"I'm okay. Bit bored, he was my entertainment. He'll be alright."

"That's good. God I hate coffee." You both laughed as the common begin to fill with students of all years. "Well I better be going. Feel free to come find me if you need anything."

"Thank you Valeria." You smiled sweetly up at her as she began to leave with a few other friends. You never really spoke anymore but it was nice to know she was still just as sweet and caring.

Okay so i know this one's a bit weird and boring. But if I'm being honest I don't really want this to end so I'm adding random sappy chapters to keep it going.

Don't worry I've added enough of them so on with the drama I say!!!

The betrayal - draco malfoy and youWhere stories live. Discover now