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School had started back up again. It had been a while since Christmas, you spent your nights tucked in the library, trying to help harry and or cedric with the second task. Something about swimming. You never really understood anything that happened at hogwarts.

You sat down at a small table with cedric and hermione. Books piled high infront of you. As you flipped through some pages you caught both their eyes staring at you.

"What?" You questioned.

"Nothing." They said in unison. You closed the book, placing it on the table before folding your arms, glaring at the two of them.

"No please do tell, what's so funny?" You said as they giggled to one another.

"Well you didn't tellus much about Christmas." Hermione began.

"Or the ball." Cedric finished.

"Oh God." You whispered in return " it was boring." You lied.

"So draco dancing with you, then carrying you up to bed was 'boring'" Cedric laughed.

"Wait you saw that?!" You shouted a little too loudly. You got shushed by everyone in the library.

"Yeah we did." Hermione laughed."So please do spill."

"Fine. He saw me at the top of the stairs alone, everyone else had already gone in for the first dance. I was contemplating leaving but he dragged me into the hall with a couple insults. He then danced with me for a little while, he offered up some alcohol which I gladly agree on and he left to get it."You lied

"Alcohol!" Hermione looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Shhh. Go on." Cedric smiled.

"I then went over to harry and Ron, who were being rude to their dates. I got the twins to take the twin for a spin." You laughed along with the other two. "Harry then insulted me over draco, saying I should know better than to trust a syltherin."

"God sake boys!" Hermione said angrily.

"That's what draco said when I dragged him outside. He then gave me the bottle I drank some, we then danced a little in the snow. But all the spinning made me sick. He then said I passed out so he put me to bed." You lied again.

Hermione and cedric stared at you in awe. Complete bullshit coming from you, yet they seemed to believe it.

"What an awful night!" Hermione exclaimed. Cedric just laughed, he knew you would of enjoyed it.

"Yeah...." You whispered in response.

"Have you seen him since?" Cedric asked.

"No." You replied. Half truth really. You weren't about to tell them you spent Christmas day cuddled up to draco in the great hall, however you hadn't seen him since you'd been back due to quidditch and triwizard championships.

"Anyway." You began to change the subject. "You ready for tomorrow cedric?" You asked.
He simply nodded before excusing himself to bed. You left with him as hermione wanted to go help harry.

You and cedric walked the empty halls together laughing and joking before he stopped you.

"Did you kiss?" He asked playfully. You continued walking pretending as if you didn't hear him.

"Oh my merlin you did!" He shouted, chasing after you.

"Shut up dric." You pushed him in response.

"Mousy has a boyfriend." He mimicked, You pulled out your wand holding it out at cedirc.

"You call that weasel my boyfriend one more time! go on!" You shouted. Cedric looked petrified but he kept a smile on his face. He lowered your wand laughing before walking off to his common room, leaving you alone in the hallways.

The day had come for the second challenge. Everyone was buzzing to see what it was all about. You wondered down to the black lake alone as cedric and harry left early and hermione and Ron hadn't been seen since last night.

The atmosphere was amazing, everyone just as excited as each other.

"Place your bets!" The twins called out as they ran past you.  You continued on down to the lake, it was warm enough not to worry about extra layers but cold enough for a scalf. You had been anxious all morning but cedric was confident as always.

"I'm a Weasel ay?" A voice said, you continued walking but so did the voice. They stood next to you a massive smile on their face.

"Shut up malfoy." Then it suddenly clicked."Wait you were there?!" You were a little embarrassed.

"Yes and no. I was nearby. Had just finished training." He said winking at you. "So cedric thinks we're a thing?" He laughed again.

"Cedric thinks alot of things. None of them are very bright though." You said shoving malfoy a little. He chuckled at your comment.

"True true. Nice boy, but a little dim." You just smiled in return. "Why you all alone princess?"

"I'm not talking to harry, cedric went early and hermione and Ron I have no idea where they are."

"You can always stand with me." He offered.

"No it's fine, I'm going to go down and wish cedric Well." You said before running off ahead leaving draco walking on his own.

"See you later weasel!" You shouted back.

"That conversation isn't over!" He replied.

"What?!" You screamed before running off giggling to your self.

The contest went well. Cedirc finished first and harry was awarded second for his bravery. Everyone at hogwarts was ready to celebrate this win, people ran by throwing fireworks up into the sky to celebrate.

"Nothing like a good old win, hey princess." You turned around to see draco yet again sat up in a tree.

"Be careful you don't get splinters in your arse malfoy." You replied playfully. Everyone else had already gone to the common rooms to celebrate. "Don't feel like a party?"

"Could ask you the same thing." He said jumping down from the tree. He walked closer to you. Inches away from his face, you wanted to kiss him.

"Well you see. My head still hurts from all that spinning." You said fake fainting. Draco laughed catching you as you fell. In his arms again but this time on purpose, you looked up at him with longing eyes.

"God you're beautiful." He whispered.

"God you're handsome." You replied before kissing draco, he stood you up wrapping his arms around your waist securing you to him.

"I actually have something I need to tell you." Draco whispered.

"It can wait." You replied kissing him again.

"Y/l/n... No it can't." He returned, pulling away.


"Your dad's coming. To the final round of the championship." He whispered. His arms still tight around your waist, not letting you go.

"What?" You repeated. Draco said nothing. He placed a soft kiss in you hair. "Why?" You asked.

" I don't know princess. Your dad's unpredictable."

"True." You sighed. "I should go celebrate with cedric..." Your voice was barely a whisper.

"Are you going to be okay?" Draco asked. Real concern plastered across his face.

"Yeah don't worry about me." You said kissing him shortly before running off into the castle 

The betrayal - draco malfoy and youWhere stories live. Discover now