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It had been around a month since school started. Everything had finally settled down, you'd managed to control your extreme emotions enough to stop people asking and apologising over your mother's death.

School was a bore. Harry and Ron had been extra kind to you since the breakfast situation and you hadn't spoken to draco since he stood up for you in class. You both tried hard to ignore each other and throw a casual insult at each other once in a while.

It was a random Friday morning when you heard a knock at the door. Nev had brought you a parcel that was delivered during breakfast. You decided to skip the morning meal to have a lay in from the match yesterday.

"sorry to bother you y/n. But harry said you must of wanted this?" You watched as he passed you the box before running off through the common room. You laughed a little before sitting down on the sofa unboxing the gift.

Before you could even think you ran out the door, down the moving stairs and towards the syltherin common room. You stood patiently outside waiting for someone to open to door.

"Y/L/N?" Malfoy said still half asleep, his eyes were red and puffy from only just waking up.

"Sorry malfoy if I woke you but-" you held out the box infront of you. He took it from your hands examining it gently.

"Oh. I thought your father wasn't keeping theses?" He asked a little confused.

"He's not" you whispered. "He doesn't know I ordered them to come here. That's why I need your help" malfoy eyes opened wide, as you stood basically pleading infront of him.

"My help with what y/l/n?" He chuckled a little. The situation was a bit weird.

"I'm not allowed to keep these malfoy. if my dad knew. I want to sprinkle them across the pitch but I can't fly and do what I need to do." He was catching on now.

"So you want me. The best flyer in hogwarts to help? I think you enjoyed our little trip last month a little too much y/l/n" he laughed passing back the box.

"Shut up malfoy. And if I wanted the best flyer I'd ask harry"

"ouch. Why don't you?"

"Because harry asks too many questions. And you're starting to sound like him. Also you're the only one who believes me about my mum. "

"I'm joking y/l/n. of course I'll help."

"Good draco. Tonight at sunset?" You began to walk away before malfoy shouted after you.

"It's a date" he laughed.

It was the last lesson of the day. Potions. You hadn't seen much of the trio, considering they were meant to be in all your classes but you never really questioned where they'd go. You'd rather not be on deaths door every day.

"Say Potter, where you lot been?" You said shoving him a little as he sat down next to you.

"Well you see y/l/n. Poor weasly and mudblood granger and I went on a little trip out of town." The four of you laughed. Making fun of draco was easy considering how big of a fool he was. It seemed to always lift the mood in the group.

"Anyways what you up to tonight y/n?" Ron questioned.

"Uh probably just some homework then I'll probably work out a little. Why?" Did they know about draco?

"just curious if you were going to skip dinner tonight as well. You haven't eaten much"

"hmm Ron sadly yes. I have stuff to do. Detention actually. How about you save me a cake?"

"Alright done." Ron said smiling before turning back to his books.

"Detention?" Harry chimed in.

"Yes you see Potter when you skip class, I have to put up with malfoy and him idiots alone. Sometimes spelling them is the only way one can live. And that usally comes with punishment. For both of us" you heard draco cough a little behind you which caught the attention of the trio.

"Watch yourself y/l/n. You didn't exactly spell me. And if you continue to run your mouth my father will-" Draco butted in. He was obviously playing along with your lie.

"Hear about this?" Hermione mimicked. "God just ignore the irratating twat y/n" she sneard before getting on with the class work. God you couldn't help but smile at the face draco pulled to hermiones insult. He was so cute when he got mad.

You parted ways with the trio as you got ready for 'detention'. All you had to do now was go back to your room and pick up the box, from under you bed.

"Y/l/n, you ready for this or what?" Draco said holding his bag that fell over his shoulder.

"Yeah I just gotta go get the box. Wanna come?" You offered. He nodded before following you up to gryffindor common room. He stood motionless outside as if being here made him uncomfortable. "Come on. You can come in you know?" He laughed nervously but took the offer.

As you made your way up to your bedroom, you watched draco take in the gryffindor rooms. It must be very different to syltherin you thought.

"So this is where you sleep?" Draco laughed as he jumped onto your bed. He layed out on top of it crossing his legs. Your bit of ceiling was covering in photo, memories only people laying on your bed could see. Draco began pointing out a few saying he remembered them. Then he caught eye of him and you on your Broom stick. "You took a photo?" He laughed.

"Yes well it was the nicest day I've had in a while. And don't worry people don't know it's you" he smiled a little as you explained further but you were interrupted Abruptly. You pushed draco aside and crawled into bed with him pulling the covers over his head. You sat upright, next to him.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Hermione asked confused. Was it obvious another human was in bed with you? Yes.

"I forgot my Broom stick" you said patting dracos stomach. Luckily there was a blanket inbetween his chest and your hand. She smiled in return as she began to pack her own bag.

"Why a Broom? And why is it under your covers?" Shit.

"Well they said my detention shouldn't be wasted and considering we have matches soon, it was a smart idea I trained with draco instead. And its under there because I was cold and have a few minutes before I have to leave anyway."

"God that is a real punishment. Training with draco. God you wanna train against him more like. He could never be civil."

"No, that twat can't can he. He's the devil's spawn" you replied jokingly. "Ouch" you screamed as draco pinched you bare legs. You kicked him back, under the covers. "Stupid Broom I caught my leg on it" you said quickly.
You watched as Hermione excused herself from the room, explaining she had homework in the library.

You quickly climbed out of bed pulling the covers back off draco. He sat up. His face was printed red and his eyes blinked adjusting to the light.

"You know if you wanted to get into bed with me all you had to do was asked." He said shoving you a little.

"God shut up malfoy and fix your hair. " You replied quietly as you packed the box into you back pack.

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