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As everyone got prepared for the finals, you spent you days in bed. You had skipped every meal since your father had arrived. The idea of him sitting up at the front being praised by the professors made you lose your appetite.

The sun was setting and everyone had left for dinner, you sat down on the common room sofa infront of the fire place. Everything was quiet and peaceful. No hermione begging you came with her, no Ron or harry saying you were being dramatic. Just you and your thoughts.

And just like that the quietness was over. You remained seated as you watched your farther enter the common room.

"I see the password never changed." He laughed. You sat still staring at the fire. "Haven't seen you much since I got here goofball, you avoiding me or something." He said sitting next to you. Your whole body stiffened, your mind racing.

"No" you replied.

"Well where ever have you been then?" He questioned, his voice as patronising as ever.

"Helping cedric." You said bluntly. That was a lie but your farther didn't deserve the truth.

"That hufflepuff? Why in merlin beard would you help him. Harry on the other hand, he's a great boy, you should be helping him."

"Cedric is my friend."

"So is harry no?"


"Then you should really get your priorities straightened out honey. " He said. His voice was harsher now. He never agreed with helping other houses.

"I see that...malfoy boy strutting around alot. Just like your mother."

"Don't talk about her. Or him." You snapped standing up.

"What's wrong?" He laughed

"You don't get to come in here and act like a good dad! You killed my mother." You shouted holding in the tears.

"I did no such thing. She was going to kill me!" He shouted back.

"BULLSHIT!" You cried. He had won. Seeing you cry was all he needed to know you were on her side. "I WAS THERE YOU BASTARD." You began to walk away, leaving the common rooms.

"Where are you going?!" He shouted after you.

"Away from you. You're not my dad" You replied calmly.

"Your mother would be ashamed."

"Of you, yes" and just like that you ran. Ran down the stairs, through the halls and into the great hall where everyone was still eating. You stood by the door trying to get either dracos or cedric attention. Draco looked up and saw how distraught you were but so did cedric.

Cedric began to walk up to you as you watched draco sit back down again.

"Y/n are you okay?you look awful" cedirc wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he guided you out the hall. You began crying into his chest, everything inside you flooding out.

"I hate him dric!" You screamed as he wrapped his arms tightly around you, embracing you.

"I know shhh it's okay." He replied softly stroking your hair.

"THE TIME HAS COME!" Dumbledore announced as everyone took their seats. You had to be next to your father, luckily draco was just behind you with his gang. You felt his hand rub your back before going back to taking the piss out of harry.

"THE FINAL HAS ARRIVED" He continued, dunbledore proceeded to introduce the four champions. Everyone screaming as he called each name. You whistled when cedric was announced but your father hit you round the back of the head, silencing you. Cedric gave you a small wave before preparing to enter the maze. Everything was set. You knew he had a big chance of winning.

As time went on you sat chatting to a couple gryffindors that surrounded you. Sometimes you caught draco staring at you father but you didn't say a word, as you knew the punishment. You watched as a red firework went off in the sky. You hoped it wasn't cedric. It wasn't, luckily.

It had been a while now since the challenge had started. You farther sat next to you saying nothing. And just on cue harry and cedric left the maze. Something was wrong though, harry was hunched over cedric screaming. You tried to run down but your father wouldn't let you by.

"Move now!" You screamed.

"No sit down." He instructed.

"No. NOW MOVE!" You cried. You ended up climbing over your father, running down to where cedric layed.

"THAT'S MY SON! THAT'S MY BOY!" His father screamed in horror. You feet seemed to be glued to the floor as you began gasping for air. The whole world stopped spinning as you looked down and saw cedric dead body.

It felt like your whole world had collapsed.

"Y/L/N!" You heard someone scream.

"Stay away from my daughter. you disgusting syltherin." The conversation rang through your head but you didn't take it in. You're heart was shattering into tiny peices.

"Y/L/N!" They screamed again. You mind fell quiet as you began walking away. You walked as fast as you could away from cedric, away from the happy music, away from Harry's screams.

Your legs guided you up to the astronomy tower, the highest point in hogwarts, that you knew of at least. You stood inches from the edge. Your arms wrapped around the rails as you let out a scream.

He was dead. He really died. Hes gone. Forever.

You screamed again but this time you were more angry than sad. The last thing you said to cedric was I love you as he got ready that morning. You'd snuck out past your farther to wish him well. You exchanged a hug before leaving, you were meant to stay but your father refused to let you.

You were meant to be waiting for cedric when he left the maze. You cried again as you remembered everything he'd ever done for you.

Your mind went back to the first time you met.

"So what house do you want to be in then?" A tall man asked helping you down from the train onto the platform.

"What are you?" You asked curious.

"A hufflepuff." The boy laughed.

"Well I mean that's nice I guess..." The boy laughed again . "I'd like to be in syltherin like my mother but gryffindor is who I am." You said shyly.

"That's cute. Good luck" The boy replied before running off to meet up with his friends.

Tears streamed down your face, everything was better when cedric was around.

"Why is this walk so long?" You moaned. Cedric stopped infront of you bending down.

"Jump on." He said patting his back. You jumped straight on. He grabbed your legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"You're so small like a mouse." You said nothing, a little to shy to reply. "And might I add shy." He laughed.

"Should i run?" Cedric said as you approached the hill down to the quidditch field. you nodded as he began to pick up pace. Cedric began to sprint with you on his back, you let out a laugh as he reached the bottom.

"Enjoyed that little mousy?" He laughed.

"Yeah actually DRIC." You laughed.

You threw your wand to the side, scared what you might do if it was in you hands. You slid down the railings, pulling your legs up to your face. You let out another scream but this one was muffled by your legs.

"Y/l/n..." A voice said approaching you slowly. "I've searched everywhere for you." He whispered. You lifted your head up to see draco crouched down infront of you. Your eyes bloodshot and red, your hair a mess and you tie undone.

"Draco..." You whispered before embarrassing him. He hugged you back tighter than anything in the world,Rocking you slightly. You began to cry again. You'd never thought you'd cry infront of malfoy but being in his embrace made you feel safe.

"He's dead...draco he's dead." You sighed.

"I know shh it's going to be okay...I'm here." He replied softly stroking your hair, just like cedric use to.

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