Fifty four

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Screams filled the castle, innocent cries of students you'd spent nearly seven year living with digging deep into your mind as you paced the crumbling corridor waiting to see if anyone was going to make it out okay.

Ron hermione and blaise came out first, blaise on the back of Ron's Broom as they flew over your head in great speeds. Blaise jumped off and ran to you as soon as it was safe to do so. He stood holding you from behind as the two of you watched the open door waiting, just waiting for draco and harry. Zabinis clothes burnt and ashy as his body wrapped around yours.

Not long after the first three emerged you saw harry fly out the room, crashing to the floor. Draco doing the same as he was on the back of potters Broom. You could feel the tension ease as the trio began to run off in another direction while draco embraced you and blaise in the hallway.

"What the fuck was that?" You asked once everyone had finally pulled away.

"They weren't going to let us leave " Zabini said over your shoulder. "I heard them talking about it earlier."

"Harry wouldn't hurt me" You corrected.

"He doesn't care about your safety as long as your with draco y/n."

"Shut up zabini." Malfoy replied, noticing the hurt across your face. "Y/n. I have a plan. I can't tell you it. But you have to just go along with it. Please."  You watched draco as he stood inches away from you, his hair dirty and his clothes burnt.

"Okay." You whispered. You didn't like the idea of leaving this all up to draco, but you trusted him and you knew what ever he had planned was for a reason.

"Blaise you're with me. Y/n go to the great hall see if any of them need help."

"Woah draco I said okay but I didn't agree with leaving you." You tried to hide the hurt in your voice as well as you could.

"please y/n we don't have time. I'll come back, I always do. I'll find you." He said trying to reassure you.


"I promise, I'll always come back." You smiled sweetly up at him as he placed a kiss on your forehead, your body shaking under his touch. It had been way to long.

You felt him pull away, his hands slipping from yours.

"Draco wait." You called before he could leave. Zabini stepped back a little as you stared at him, giving the two of you a little more privacy.

"Yeah?" Malfoy asked sadly.

"If everything is going to go to shit. If I lose you..."

"You won't y/n."

"Shut up and let me finish." You laughed a little."If everything goes to shit. I want to be yours when it does. I want to know that after this is all done... I can be Mrs malfoy."

"Are you asking me to marry you right now?" You stared up at his wide eyes, his face pulled up into a smile.

"I know we're young draco. But I want to end this knowing afterwards I'll be all yours."

"Say no more. Mrs malfoy." He winked.

"Is that a-"

"Yes...yes of course I'll marry you after this y/n!" You smiled brightly up at him as he grabbed you, his arms lifting you off the floor, his lips against yours.

"Alright, alright you two. We gotta get going." Zabini butted in. Your smiled faded slightly as draco began to run down the corridor that seemed to go on forever, zabini embracing you tightly before following. "Congratulations." His voice full of sarcasm.

You stood alone in the rubble for what felt like forever, your feet stuck in place as your eyes stared off to wherever draco had turned down. You felt hurt, he was just with you and now he was gone again.

It took you a minute before you managed to drag yourself towards the great hall, students running in and out with injuries, staff aiding those who needed it.

You stood in the door way observing everyone as they rushed around, some laying over beds, some drinking tea as the battle continued outside.

"Y/n! There you are!" Valeria shouted over all the noise. You smiled at her as best as you could as she looked at you, confusion filling her face. "You don't you?" She asked.

"Know what?"

"Uh...the names of people who have died." She said slowly.

"Vee...who's died?"

" Snape." You listened closely as she listed off all the students and staff that had died so far, your heart stopping when you heard Fred and snapes names. Only a few minutes ago you were hugging one and trying to save the other.

"What? No.." You whispered.

"Harry's gone to the forest."

"You mean...Harry's going to die?"


"No... Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm sorry y/n. I know how close you were with some of them."

"I- Fred?"

"Hes in here." You followed Valeria over to a small fold out bed, you felt tears fill your eyes as George cried over his brothers body, his farther doing the same. You could feel all the air leave your lungs as you stared down at the lifeless body of a friend who could always make you laugh, make you smile, make you happy.

"No..." You whispered over Georges shoulder, his whole body shook as you fell down to his level, embracing George from behind. "Shhh." You whispered as you held George in your arms. His weeping body hurt your heart.

"Fred." He cried out.

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