Thiry nine

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You sat at breakfast the next morning, your head absolutely banging as hermione flipped through the newspaper. Ron sat slightly closer to her than usual.

"Tell me how we broke up again?" He asked. All our eyes turned to look at the girl Ron had been making out with for a few weeks now.

"You had a...uh conversation." Hermione laughed nervously. You hadn't found out till this morning that Ron was poisoned the night before.

"Harry. Thats katie." Hermione whispered across the table as a few students made their way into the great hall. You followed everyone gaze to see a beautiful young girl stroll in rather uncomfortable. You couldn't imagine the pain she must of gone through.

"I'm going to go speak to her." Harry replied before standing.

"Why?" You spat out. he looked down at you with a raised eyebrow.

"To see if she remembers anything." That was all you got before harry had run after katie.  Your head was still pounding when you noticed malfoy walk into the hall. He also looked like he wanted to speak to katie. He didn't have his robes on, just a sweater vest. His tie sluggish and messy.

You quickly stood from the table as draco turned and ran out. He was pulling at his tie so he could breathe, his eyes full of tears as you and harry ran after him for different reasons.

Harry managed to beat you to the bathroom. He stood in the doorway as draco pulled his sweater off, crying into the mirror. His hands tight around the sink.

"I know what you did malfoy!" Harry spat as draco whipped his head around. His hair was wet from the water he splashed onto his face, tears steaming down his soft cheeks as harry stood infront of him.

Malfoy pulled his wand out sending a curse into the door next to Potter, obviously missing to send a hint.

Harry retaliated. Sending spells after spells at draco, one hitting the sink causing a fountain of water to flood the floor.

You got there shortly after, Potter still throwing curses at malfoy as you began to defend him, your wand tight in your hand as you managed to disarm harry just after he threw one final cruse at draco.

He stood back, his face completely pale and green. His eyes flicked to yours then back to where Malfoy was. You slowly approached the corner that hid draco from you.

There he was. Spread out on the bathroom floor, water flooding underneath him. It was then that you noticed the pool of blood. dracos shirt slowly turning red, The water around him copying. You let out a screech that caused harry to stumble back even more.

You were completely sober now, any trace of a hang over gone completely. You quickly shoved harry out of the way kicking his wand out of reach as you fell to the floor next to malfoys limp body.

His eyes twitching in pain as you pushed your hands into his wounds to stop the bleeding.

"Draco. It's okay. Draco I'm here. I'm here right here with you. Draco." You hushed. Your voice croaky and broken. Malfoy twitched on the floor as the pool of blood grew and grew.

"DO SOMETHING YOU ASS HOLE. THIS IF YOUR FAULT HARRY. HELP ME PLEASE!" You cried. But Potter did nothing, he stood towering over you and draco. His eyes glazed over and his face still pale. His hands shook by his side as he slowly stepped backwards again. Yours hands still tight on dracos wounds, your fingers covered in the blood of the person you loved the most. The person who caught you falling down the stairs a few hours ago. The person who bullied you for years, the boy who told you he loved you.

"SOMEONE HELP PLEASE." Your voice was full of pain as it bounced off the walls. A lump in your throat as draco became more and more stiff. His white skin paler than ever.

"HARRY DONT JUST STAND THERE. PLEASE I LOVE HIM!" Still nothing. He wasn't going to help.

"Get out of my way Potter." A calm voice said. You looked up to see Snape run into the bathroom, he dropped down next to you. You moved allowing him space but you kept a hold on malfoys cold wet hand.

It felt forever, forever that you sat on the cold wet floor watching draco fade. Watching harry do nothing. Watching Snape fix malfoy as well as he could. The silence that filled the bathroom as Potter ran away was unbearable but it was quickly replaced with The quiet whispers of a spell Snape hummed.

"Is he going to be okay?" You asked. Your eyes searching snapes for answers.

"Hell be fine. A few days in the hospital wing. If you weren't here I think the outcome might of been very different." He replied in the calm voice that always sent shivers down your spine. But today it didn't, his voice relaxed you. The words escaping his lips gave you peace. Draco was going to be okay.

Before you could think twice you took Snape into a tight hug, he was alot taller than you and it was inappropriate to hug a teacher but in this moment you didn't care. Having malfoys life in your hands was painfully enough. Your arms linked around the back to snapes robe as you held him tightly. He tensed up under you which was predictable.

"Thank you." You whispered into his chest. Tears streaming down your face. You felt Snape move his hand up to your head. He slowly patted it awkwardly, which caused you to chuckle a little. That was as much comfort Snape has probably shown in his entire life.

As he began to leave the bathroom you stood alone, malfoy already been taken to the hospital wing. Severus turned to you brfore he had completely disappeared.

"Y/l/n." He said slowly.

"Yes sir?"

"Don't hug me again." He continued. His voice monotone as ever. You smiled shyly to yourself.

"Yes sir. Sorry sir." You replied before he had completely disappeared into the hallway.

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