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"WHERE the fuck is he?" You shouted as the door flew open. You stepped inside the defence against dark arts classroom, all eyes on you as you approached Ron and hermiones table. "Where the fuck is Potter?" You continue. Hermione shares a worried look with Ron before he stands from behind his desk. One of his hand hovering over his wand while the other guarded hermione in her seat.

"Well?!" You scream not really caring the whole class could see you freaking out.

"Maybe you should calm down first." Ron says slowly. His voice heavy. His heart beat increasing as your face grew hot.


"This Is all a big miss understanding." Hermione chimes in over Ronalds arm.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Such a miss understanding that your stupid ignorant best friend just nearly KILLED MY BOYFRIEND IN THE BATHROOM!"

"Nearly...nearly is the key word of that sentence y/n." Ron sighs.


"It's not like draco didn't deserve it..."

"Ronald." Hermione whispered.

"No hermione. She knows what he's like she knows he's bad."

"On what evidence Ron. What ever do you have? What evidence is so strong that it came to the conclusion of killing him?"

"He hexEd katie. And poisoned me"

"WHERE THE PROOF RONALD? YOU SAW HIM ENTER A SHOP AT THE BEGINNING OF SUMMER BOO HOO SO BAD AND SCARY LET'S KILL THE POOR BOY!" Your voice was loud. There was not one part of the classroom that wasn't covered with your screams. Pain radiating from you as everyone watched tears stream down your face.

"He's a dodgy guy."

"So he deserve to die?" You asked stepping back in anger.

Ron doesn't reply. His hand was now gribbed around his wand that sat in his pocket.

"You know. I expected better from you two." You sneered

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"Considering you're constantly called a mudblood. I thought you lot would be more considerate to people. You three put yourself on this pedestal. Preach about how equality matter how bloodtype doesn't. Yet you judge slytherins. As soon as that hat calls that name you don't think twice about them again.
I know what you lot say about my mother. The whispers, the rumours about how she was going to end up dead anyway. How slytherins never have a chance! God I thought considering you two were judge so badly on the families you came from your give a little respect to everyone!"

"We don't hate syltherins. And draco did it. He was dodgy all year!"

"Oh I'm so sorry Ronald. I'm so sorry that his father is locked up in AZKABAN I'm so sorry that he's mourning the loss of a loved one. Knowing hes being tortured day and day out. I'm so sorry that changes a person. I DIDN'T KNOW THAT MEANT THEY DESERVE TO DIE."


"NOPE NO. YOU'RE MINDS ARE SET. He's a bad bad man. Deserves to die. Hmm yep. Have you lot ever stopped to think. Maybe he did hex katie. Maybe he didn't. But if he did did you ever consider he didn't do it on his own accord. That he might not of had a choice or had you already decided to kill him?"

"Please calm down."

"No Ronald." You had slowly pulled out your wand. It was pointed straight at hermione. "I wonder how you'd feel towards me. If I hex hermione right here, right now. How you'd feel laying over her dying body screaming for help while I watch, doing nothing? Hmm. No teacher around to save her now is there." You felt a tight hand grab your wrist causing you to drop your wand.

"What's going on here?" Snapes voice had over taken the classroom. All the whispers and sniggers died down as your eyes met his. Tears stained your burning cheeks.

"She was trying to kill us?!" Ronald ecxlaims.

"Actually Ron. I have the respect harry doesn't. I wouldnt dare kill one of my best friends,  friend. You know why? Because I actually care for you. And I don't hate you for a decision that isn't controlled by yourself like love. I don't judge who you decide to make out with or who you decide to be friends with. I don't judge you for your house or your blood type. I have that tiny bit of respect the three of you seem to lack." You voice was quiet now. Tears had come out in a wave. Your whole body shook violently, snapes firm grip being the only thing keeping you on your feet. You had never freaked out like this before.

Snape moved his hand to the back of your robe. He began to drag you out of the classroom, everyone watching as you continued to cry. Seamus carefully picked up your wand passing it to you before patting your shoulder.

Once outside Snape threw you against a wall opposite his classroom. His eyes weren't full of anger like you expected, instead they were gazed over. Sad even.

You stood outside the class room a little longer than expected in silence as you slowly calmed down. Your heart beat had returned to normal, your eyes became dry however your hands still shook. Snape took a deep breath before speaking.

"Better?" He asked carefully. You simply nooded a little too embarrassed to say anything more.

"Look y/l/n. You can't act like that not here. I know what you just went through was difficult trust me I know. I've lost someone I loved before. But draco is okay. There's no need to go making enemies."

"But." You started your voice cracking.

"No buts. Look at me." He said his voice as boring as ever. Your eyes travelled to his. He made you feel uncomfortable but right now he was trying his best to comfort you. "You can't go avenging draco, the dark lord doesn't want you straying. I was there I saved him okay. Drawing attention to yourself is the last thing you want. Now take the rest of the day off. Go sit with malfoy in the hospital wing. If anyone asks I gave you permission okay?" He stood back holding out your bag. You slowly took it smiling up at him.

"Thank you sir." You whispered before walking down the corridor a little embarrassed by what just happened.

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