PART 42- LOSE MY MIND (18+++++)

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Hola FAM❤️❤️I know I'm super late with this part but I was busy working and other stuff. But here I am with a super long part as a compensation. I hope it works🙊 please vote and comment to let me know if you liked it.

∆∆∆TRIGGER WARNING: A super long steamy scene in the end Coz it had been too long 😂 and Erotica has always been my forté. Without much delay, I'll leave you to read.

PS: Do read the author's note in the end of this chapter.
Jenny had woken up in the wee hours of morning to find their babygirl still sleeping peacefully in her bassinet. She picked her up carefully and carried her to the nursery, making sure not to wake Harshad up. He hasn't had peaceful sleep in the last week as he had to complete a pending project and she doesn't want him to wake up.

Harshad didn't take up a new project but now with Aurelia over a month old, he wanted to finish this and get done with it. The last one month had been pretty exhausting for them. With the smooth delivery, they were extremely happy to have a healthy baby but things hadn't been so hunky dory post her first three days at home.

 With the smooth delivery, they were extremely happy to have a healthy baby but things hadn't been so hunky dory post her first three days at home

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After changing her nappy, she feeds her baby on the king chair that's kept in the corner. As soon as the baby latches on to her, she feels herself tearing up thinking about the 10 days of last month when Harshad and her were continuously praying for their baby.

Aurelia's detailed test results had come out and the Dr. had called them up to inform about a certain abnormalities. Jenny has just gotten done feeding Aurelia and is rocking her, while Kai, Zen and Amy are busy on their iPads playing games and watching cartoons on YouTube.

Harshad looks stressed as he comes and sits next to her and Jenny hands over Aurelia to him. He hold her tightly and keeps kissing her.

J: What's wrong love? You seem distracted.

H: Dr. Pant had called. Aurie's reports have come out and her bilirubin levels are abnormal. She might have jaundice.

J: Isn't it normal for babies to have jaundice though? Maybe she has that. No wonder she looks a little pale since last night. Why are you worried Daddy?

H: So it's usually okay to have jaundice post birth. But her levels are as high as 10 while the normal is 5. It's not a very good sign Jenny. We might have to take her to the hospital baby. Generally the levels get normal post birth but they've got to check her for some serious conditions. His eyes tear up as he sees his wife breaking down in front of him.

J: You're joking right? It's not that serious, is it? Harshad!!! They look at the other babies staring at them, as her grip on his shirt loosens.

Amy: What happened Mamma?

H: Nothing darling! Your babysister is a little unwell and we'll have to take her to the hospital. You stay at home okay with Anna. And she'll take you out to the park as well. Mamma and Dadda need to go to the hospital. He looks at Jenny who nods and passes them a smile too. Let's not overthink baby. Our babygirl is okay. She just needs a few tests to be done and we'll bring her home. Jenny holds her in her arms and whispers prayers for her in her ears.

JENSHAD-always and forever( LOVE LIVES ON)✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat