Part 9- All of me loves all of you(16+)

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Hola!! Next part is out. Do give it a read and comment. Also don't forget to vote.
Have fun reading :)
This is just a figment of my imagination.


They walk naked out of the shower. She leads and he follows gazing at the beauty she is. And they made love so wild, water evaporates from their skin leaving the essence of their love in the air around, letting the world know that there exists humans who want and need each other the most. The  intense love making and fucking have drained them of all the energy and they just collapsed on the bed. Their bodies entwined in each other, meant to fit together. The yin and the Yang. The fire and water. And together they shake the world, just like they shake the earth with the power of their love.

He's the one to wake up and finds them in a different room, only to recall the happenings of last night. He looks at her and sees her sleeping peacefully cuddled up next to him like a small furball. Though she turns into a fireball when aroused. Thinking this he smirks and gets up. He places a pillow gently under her head and one next to her and covers her with the duvet. He gets into his tracks and moves out to face the sheer embarrassment from the people outside.
As soon as they see him, they hoot loudly and he facepalms coz they all know what happened. Naihal: So harshad won quite a few awards last night and now he's having trouble deciding which one is better. And sehban gets up and pats his shoulder. And they start asking him about the details and he realises that he should have just stayed inside.
Hearing the commotion outside, Jenny wakes up and comes out. She's limping a little and harshad notices that. He gives her support and asks her is she's okay and she just gives him a stare and tells everyone that she sprained her leg.
Ani: So Jenn we were asking him what trophies did you give him last night and was his performance up to the mark? And naihal gives him a high five and they all burst out into a hysterical laugh, leaving the two of them in an awkward position. J: what nonsense..Nothing happened. Do you think we're stupid to leave you guys and do something? Naah... I was exhausted and felt sick so he took me to bed. That's it.
Sehban: So you gave him trophies without watching him perform? Impressive Jen! And he winks and points at the purplish red marks on harshad's neck and shoulders. Harshad feels damn awkward but he's struck and can't think of a solution to get them out of this situation. N: an award without performing? Well Jenn, even you got some awards atleast. You are without makeup honey. And they burst out laughing. The alcohol in their system doing the talk. Jen realises this is it.

They should go. J: well let's say he gave one of his best performance last night and there were quite a few awards exchanged. Happy now? Ya'll are such fuckers. I'll get revenge when guys are in senses. Anyways we're leaving and she pulls up harshad who's scooched between Anirudh and sehban.

It's 8 in the morning and they are exhausted. He's driving slow coz he's still not sure if he's in his complete senses. He looks at her. She's sitting with her seat laid back and eyes shut enjoying the music. He sees the love bite and brushes his finger lightly and she hisses out in pain. H: I'm sooo sorry.. I didn't mean to. And she looks at him. I shouldn't have done that. We made a fool out of ourselves. All coz me. And starts blabbering. J: shuhsssshhh!! I need peace. And both of us were equally involved. So stop taking all the credit. Also they were the ones who were high and won't remember much by the time they get sober. So relax.

She's about to trip when she gets out of the elevator and he holds her. He picks her up and takes her home. She changes and gets ready for bed. Yes bed!! That's one advantage of non shoot days. They can sleep whenever they want to. One of her deepest fantasies.

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