PART-4 Thunderclouds

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We've had quite a fairytale till now but life isn't a bed of roses.

Part 4

November 30th 2018: the dreaded day

After an exhausting day and an even hectic night, J and H didn't realize when they dozed off. Or maybe they were too much into each other that they passed out. When they started shooting for the show last year the same time, neither of them had the vague idea that this is what they were heading to. What started as friendship has transformed into something so pure and magical that words were too less to describe what they share.
Both of them were in deep slumber. Their bodies intertwined in a position which could definitely be counted as calisthenics, crumbly sheets and the room; a mess. Yet their faces looked so innocent and deeply satisfied.
The door bell rings for the third time waking up harshad. H: taking a deep yawn opens his eyes. Waking up next to her gives him immense amount of satisfaction. He kisses her forehead as she's still sleeping peacefully like a baby and grabs his boxers. The door bell rings again and he goes to check.
H: shit! (It's naihal and Anirudh.) He gives himself a glance in the mirror and opens the door.
A: ohh thank god they are alive. We were starting to wonder if we should call the security to break in. He says as he enters. Harshad just smiles and greets them. Naihal follows in with brezzer who jumps on harshad out of love and she checks him out.
N: Get some real clothes dude! You can be a distraction okay and I'm happily married and I love Jenny and she laughs taking the couch.
A: the house looks like a disaster struck here and the silence is post apocalyptic. What happened here? And he smiles winking at naihal.
Harshad just smirks.
N: okay I'll go and meet jenny. She'll be happy to see us.
Harshad blocks her way and stops her from going further. H: aeeeee! No. I mean she's sleeping and the room isn't in the best condition right now. Why are you two here btw?
A: we thought we'll take you two for breakfast but clearly neither of you picked up and so we decided to check on you guys. N: and now it's almost time for lunch FYI. So get ready. The 4 of us are going out for brunch.
H: okay then! I'll get to the room and help her get ready and clean the you know...mess! You guys wait here and make yourself comfortable and naihal don't go beyond the kitchen I'm warning you unless you are interested in seeing something which I'm sure you aren't and he winks and laughs at the same time. I'll be back and he runs towards the room.
He jumps on the bed and pulls her into a hug and kisses her hair. H: good morning sunshine. J looks at him with half open eyes and hugs him back. H: umm... Well we'll have to get back to reality love. J: huh? This is reality. H: agreed. But we have visitors over. J looks at him confused. H: Ani and naihal are here and all of us are going out for brunch. J wakes up and sits. J: what? You mean they're here? Like here here? In this fucking house? H: That's what I said. She gets out of the bed and wears her robe over. She starts running helter-skelter. Harshad see her confused and holds her. J they know about us. It's okay. Now I'll help you clean the room and we'll get ready and go back to our normal lives okay. This is our life now. He says all this to calm her down. He helps her set the bed, putting up fresh sheets, dumping the ones of last night in the laundry basket. The place looks much better now. J: I'll take a shower in this room and you get ready in the other okay? H: can't we just take a shower together? *Puppyface* it'll save both time and water.
J: Funny! Then we are never leaving the house that's for sure. And those two are waiting damnit. Now goooo. Lemme change .
They get ready in the adjoined rooms. And he comes and checks on her. He's left mesmerized seeing her look this pretty and is lost in his thoughts. She comes and gives him a peck on his lips to break his trance. J: get moving mr. Hottie Chopda. We've got people waiting. And she drags him outside.
A: finally the honeymoon is over. He says switching off the TV and getting up to hug her. Breezer starts jumping out of excitement after seeing his mommy. J: aww my baby! I missed you so much. N: stop lying to poor breezer. We all know what you were missing and she gives her a warm hug. N: now let's get moving. We won't get a table otherwise. And they leave.
They have a gala time drinking and talking about the stupidity they did at the sets, how they fell for each other, the confession, how they were keeping it low key and everything possible. And then she sees them. Sitting across. He admiring her and leaning in to kiss her while they were laughing and enjoying their meal.
Yes they- Karan and bipasha. Sitting across. He left her years ago to be with this woman. Jen had moved on gracefully. Or did she? She gets lost in her own thoughts. How she spent the time with him on the sets of DMG, their realisation, the proposal, the wedding and their life after. She believed in him, believed in them. He used to follow her around and they were in their blissful world. Until it all came crashing down one day. She didn't question him. She readily agreed to leave him for his happiness. But she was hurting. She had felt everything slip away.
Harshad snaps his finger Infront of her eyes to bring her back to the reality. Her eyes were moist and she broke down at that instant.
H: Jenny! Baby what happened? Tell me and he keeps his hand over hers. She looks at him and then her eyes move to the opposite table and she shrugs him off and excuses herself to the restroom. Naihal turns around and realises what went wrong.
N: Holy crap! That bastard is here and ani and harshu figure out the root of the problem. Naihal goes behind Jenny.
N: C'mon babygirl. We're leaving. Let's get you home. Are you okay? J: yes I'm fine. Let's go.
Harshad tries to start a conversation but she avoids it. The drive back home is completely silent with no one uttering a word.
They enter the house and Jenny says she's okay and asks everyone to leave. She throws her bag and shoes randomly and reaches for a smoke. Naihal holds her. N: no you don't smoke randomly. You're not okay. J: listen! I'm fine. Just leave okay. All three of you. H: we aren't going anywhere. J: fine. Do whatever you want but leave me alone. And she goes into her room.
Naihal goes behind her. N: I know Jenny seeing him out of the blue was a shock but you're over him. Right. You and him are history. Don't go back into that phase. That's just torturing yourself and going through the pain all over again. J: I know! It's just that I'm unable to control myself at this point. I feel like the wound is fresh again and is exposed. I feel vulnerable. Ohh god! I need a drink. Okay come out. We'll all get a drink.

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