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Hola beautiful readers! I'm here with the next chapter. I had asked you if I should split this chapter into two but I couldn't. So I'm sorry for that. This is a really long part with a rollercoaster of emotions. So buckle up.
Also leave your comments and vote for this story. The next part will depend on the feedback I get. I'll start work soon and only your love will act as my motivation to write the story further. So I expect my fam to support me by reading this 13000 words long chapter. It's really close to my heart. So do let me know.
∆∆∆ sexual content in some part so a warning for the underage or the uncomfortable audience. You can skip that part.


The flight went smoothly and they reached their beach resort in Sorrento. Amyra runs around to check her new abode for the next few days. Jenny had booked them a suite at the Belleuve Syrene. It faced the beautiful Sorrento bay and the balcony had a view to the blue ocean waters and had an open hot tub. Amyra's room had been customized as per her requirements as instructed by Jenny before the arrival.

H: Whooaaaa!!! This is beautiful babe

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H: Whooaaaa!!! This is beautiful babe. How did you manage to find this place? It's such a serene and calm place without the hustle bustle of the city. We can spend the life as commoners here. How long have you been hiding this? This couldn't be an instant plan. I don't believe it.

J: Wee..lllll!! Let's say about a month. I thought I'd cancel it when Amyra got hurt but then I'm glad I didn't. Do you like it?

H: I absolutely love it baby. I don't know why but that hot tub reminds me of our Goa trip from all those years back. You and Me. Just with an additional baggage this time. He hugs her from behind, wrapping his arms around hers and whispering in his deep voice. His hot breath fans her ear as she shivers a little. He breaths in the nook of her neck and leaves a moist kiss sending a chill down her spine.

Jenny turns and locks her arms behind his neck, pulling him close as he pins her to the glass door behind her. Their noses are pressed against each others' and her lips linger close to his.
J: Did you just call our baby extra baggage Mr. Chopda?

H: Well not exactly! But you know our baby can be a barrier between the two of us at times

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H: Well not exactly! But you know our baby can be a barrier between the two of us at times. We need to work on your "SOLUTION" 
now so that she can have company and we can have our " We-We" time again.

JENSHAD-always and forever( LOVE LIVES ON)✓Where stories live. Discover now