Extended 1.

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The fight.

(For those who didn't read the sequel chapters I had posted before I deleted them. Hayley is Lacey's room mate and Max, Cam and Troy are their neighbours. While Seth is in the dorm with Josh.)

"Max brought pizza." I announce as we walk into Seth's dormitory's common room. Where a bunch of us had gathered to hang out for the evening.

"Ooo yummy." Hayley says with a grin. Clamouring over the couch to grab a slice out of the boxes being placed down on the table.

My eyes scan the room as I look for Seth. He's standing in the corner besides our close friend Josh. I grin at him. His attention doesn't turn to me as he glowers, talking in a low voice to Josh who nods and looks at Max.

"Oops sorry Lacey." Max says as he places a hand on my hips to lean past me to grab a slice of pizza off the table.

"You're okay." I say with a polite smile. Taking a small step away from him so he doesn't have to lean, his hand slipping off my waist. After he's done I grab two slices of pizza. Ham and pineapple and pepperoni. Before making my way towards the corner of my room where Seth is.

"Hey princess. Joshy." I say with a smile. Josh smiles politely at me. While Seth takes a sip of his soda and looks past me.

"Pizza?" I offer both of them. Josh grins.

"Your so good." He says with a grin taking the pepperoni I offered him. Knowing Seth's favourite is ham and pineapple.

"Seth?" I offer handing him the slice. He just shakes his head. My eyebrows furrow together in confusion.

"It's your favourite?" I ask him, confused at his coldness.

"I'm not hungry." He states plainly, his attention drawing away from me towards the centre of the room.

"Have you eaten today?" I ask him sending him a concerned face. Taking a seat onto the sofa across from them.

Seth nods barely bothering giving me a glance.

"Okay that's good." I say nodding. Taking a small bite of the unwanted pizza.

"I'm going to go talk to Cam." Seth announces walking away, into the direction of Cam and Hayley.

"What's up with him at the moment?" I ask Josh as he takes a seat on the sofa besides me.

"He's pissed." Josh says with a shrug, licking his lips as he finishes the pizza.

"Why?" I ask my eyebrows furrowing together with worry.

"Your best friend Maxamillion." Josh says vaguely. Nodding towards Max who is deep in discussion with Troy. Our gazes meet and he throws me a grin, excusing himself from Troy and heading over to our direction.

"I might excuse-" Josh starts but I grab his hand. My eyes pleading.

"Stay." I say, knowing Seth's reaction to Max and I talking alone together. We'd been arguing a lot about Max at the moment. Seth thought our friendship was oddly flirty. I know he's over reacting. Max and I's friendship is not like that. At all. I haven't even thought about Max in that way.

"Lacey. Josh." Max says with a grin, flopping himself in between us wrapping an arm over our shoulders.

"Hey Max." I say with a polite smile. Careful not to seem to comfortable, in an attempt not to make the issue with Seth worse.

"Did you grab some pizza?" Max asks us.

"Lacey got me some. Yep." Josh says with a nod, throwing Seth a small glance. Seth raises his eyebrows in return.

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