Epilogue part two.

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Because of reasons to do with mental health and rather lack of motivation I will not be writing a sequel. I may in future slowly write it and will only release it once it has been fully written. I don't want to have people waiting for parts that will take ages to come out and drag out a story that doesn't need to be dragged out. That would be unfair to you guys.

Also, there's been lots of people saying they want Lacey and Seth's first sex scene to be in detail but writing these make me uncomfortable so if anyone wants to write it for me and send it to me that would be greatly appreciated. Will be tagged as the author of the chapter if they wish.

Ten years later.

The smell of Christmas tickled my nose. Filling me with the warm sensation of nostalgia. Christmas was a time of giving. A time of family. A time of holiday and joy. This Christmas was no exception.

"Theo no running in the kitchen please." Emeline, Jacob's wife calls out as their four-year-old son Theo screams as he's being chased by my dad. My dad had been living in our house with his dog Belly ever since he and mom got a divorce. They divorced at the end of my first year of college.

We don't see my mom anymore. She's probably off in Brazil with her younger Brazilian boyfriend of the month.

"Dad don't wind him up, please. He won't get to sleep." Jake says with a whine.

"Oh stop whinging. Your not even going to be the one putting him to bed." Emeline says smacking Jacob on the arm. Jakey grins and plants a kiss on Emeline's lips.

"That's because you read better stories than I do." He says with a grin.

"Would you like to cut up the turkey Bea?" Trina calls to Bea as she pulls the potatoes out of the oven.

"I'm on it," Bea calls making her way to the kitchen from where she was lingering talking to Luke. Yep, they managed to stay together. They broke up in our second year of college. But got together a couple years later. Let's just say Bea went through some massive character building in those years. For the better.

"Lacey Lacey. Sitting there watching the chaos of Christmas unfold all around you are you?" Luke asks as he slides into the seat next to me.

"Pretty much," I say with a small nod. Placing my hand over my stomach.

"Dadda!" A young girl's voice says. Suddenly a small child jumps up onto Luke's lap.

"Hey Rory," Luke says with a loving grin down at his daughter. Bea and Luke had a child three years after they finally tied the knot.

"Grant stop stealing pieces of the turkey!" Trina scolds slapping Grant's hand away from where he was snatching the best bits. He had a boyish grin on his face. A grin much like his son's.

"Where's Molly?" I ask Luke as I look around the room.

"Probably off with her bestie Cade," Luke says wriggling his eyebrows. I shake my head at him.

Molly had been dating this Cade guy for a little over a year now and things were beginning to look a little bit serious. They definitely still had the puppy-dog love and were sneaking off any chance they got. Molly graduated last year from Harvard Law and was now working at a large law company doing hotshot lawyer things.

"Oh my gosh, it's so hectic in here," Bea says fanning herself as she plops into a seat beside Luke. Rory who had been quietly muttering away to herself in her own imaginary world climbed into Bea's lap.

"Oh, also Lacey I was thinking. For the nursery, I was thinking the neutral colours." Bea explains.

"Yeah, that's also what I was thinking," I say running a hand over my swollen stomach.

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