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"Hey Lace," Molly says walking up to Seth Bea and I who were converting around my locker.

"Hey, Molls. You need anything or just here to enjoy my company?" I ask her with a grin.

"Can I have dad's card? I want to buy a dress for the party." She says with a grin. With a roll of my eyes, I pull out the card.

"If it's too short I will actually kill you. I don't need my fifteen-year-old sister being called half the names I get called." I say raising my eyebrows at her.

"Whatever mom." She says sarcastically rolling her eyes. I grin as she walks away. The sass in that girl.

Taking after her older sister.

"Baby! There you are! We were meant to meet at my car." I hear Mia's high pitched voice say as we all turn to look at her. Seth sighs and glances at me.

She looks like she's about to trip over in her ridiculous heels. Though they do make her legs look nice.

"Look Mia I need to talk to you," Seth says gently.

"I'm listening." She says brightly.

"I'm breaking up with you." He says. My mouth drops open.

Wasn't expecting that.

"I'm sorry what?" Mia says, as if not quite understanding his clear statement.

"We're over." He says with a shrug. As it it were just a comment he were brushing away. He didn't show hints of the vulnerability I saw in him the other night. He seemed careless. And I suppose he should, he doesn't care for her that much after all.

"Why?!" She exclaims before making eye contact with me. Her eyes narrowed, a sense of understanding crossing her face.

She storms up to me.

"It's because of you isn't it. You bitch. Stealing my boyfriend away from me." Mia yells.

"Woah Woah Woah. Someone needs to get a leash for this bitch." I say with a grin. I hear a few snickers. "Mia. I didn't steal your boyfriend. He made up his own mind to drop you and I have nothing to do with that. I'm really sorry you got dumped, I am. But refrain from calling me a bitch, when I haven't done anything to you." I say with a small smile.

"You manipulated him in to dumping me because you like him. Your the reason. You little slut." She yells and slaps me across the face.

I shove her against the locker. And hold her by the collar of her blouse.

"Mia. Your fucking delusional if you think I like Seth in that way. The only slut I see is you. Now get over it. You didn't even date him for a month and your acting like you were married to him, y'all weren't even loyal to each other. Now get out of my face before I do something I will regret." I say pushing her away and turning to move away.

"Oi. Lacey. Are you harassing my sister?" A deep voice says grabbing my wrist.

Well. Wouldn't this get interesting.

"Tommy. Lovely to see you." I say sarcastically turning to face him.

"Please we see each other every day. But I really suggest. You back off from threatening my little sister. Before as you said. I do something I will regret." He says stepping close to me.

"Tommy you have more dick in your personality than in your pants. You do know that right." I say staring Tommy in the eye.

I have a problem with fights. They're addicting to me. Riling people up, pressing all their buttons. Watch them bend and bend until... snap. I love making people snap. 

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