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"Game day huh?" My dad asks me as he slides me a piece of fruit toast.

"Yup," I said monotonously, biting into it.

"Can I come to watch?" He asks me. I knew he would anyway.

"What would I do without my number one supporter?" I ask him plastering a smile across my face. Ignoring the empty void that heaved inside my stomach.

If there wasn't a game today I wouldn't be going to school. And the fact I'm going to therapy today. I needed it. So much. A normal day.

I let out a sigh before finishing my toast and moving past a sleepy Molly as I make my way upstairs to get changed.

Today was sports day. I planned to wear a soccer jersey, and change into my game attire closer to the game. I packed a spare change of clothes into my bag as well for therapy after before making my way downstairs.

"Can I have a ride?" Molly asks me where she fixes her ponytail and adjusts her cheer uniform.

"Why isn't Lyss taking you?" I ask her as I grab my keys off the counter and wave to my dad and Roy and Jake.

"She got grounded so she has to take the bus." Molly says with a sigh.

"Sure. As long as your ready to go now." I ask her as I sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Yup I am." She reply's energetically picking you her own bag.

"Good." I reply before making my way outside to the parked cars.


"You ready for this?" Seth asks from besides me. The first words he's properly spoken to me in days. 

We were about to be leading the teams out onto the pitch. I was shaking my legs out and looked over at him.

"Not one bit." I say with a half smile.

"You got this. Unfortunate on being the first game though." Seth says with a non-apologetic smile.

"Gee thanks." I say rolling my eyes.

"Anytime." Seth replies giving me a small smile. 

The girls game was first. Followed by the boys game. It usually was a toss-up and we wouldn't know until the warm up.

"Introducing..... the Lakewood lions." The introducer announces. We start forwards. Jogging onto the field.

We line up and face our opponents. We do the oath before coach call us to the benches.

"Ok ladies. We have our starters you know what to do let's go kick some ass." Coach says excitedly.

"On three." I say holding my hand into the centre of the circles where the girls hands follow suit.

"One. Two. Three. Lions." I yell chorusing into their shouts. With that, the starters including me jog onto the field.

The game starts easily. Back and forth as we size up the other team. They're alright. Their defence isn't that strong but their attack was good.

As I kick the ball to Callie I notice the other team pointing to each other talking up their play.

"Callie, swerve." I call out to her. She looks up and notices what I'm explaining. She boots it over the rush-group of defenders at the last second landing it to Bea. I run around the left of Bea and she backhands it to me. I take it up manoeuvring around their right wing defender. I spot Adrianna running into an open space and I flick it towards her, she easily takes it and with a swift backhand, it flicks into the back of the net.

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