[Surah Taghabun 64:15-18]

Allah said that the wealth and children are a test and trial from Allah the Exalted for His creatures, so that He knows those who obey Him and those who disobey Him. With respect to these trials, Allah puts humans in good and bad situations to test which of the believers is persistent and has strong faith. Those who pass these trials with patience, their rewards are multiplied many times over.

Another reference verse to understand the nature of man is;

"Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women and children and treasures of gold and silver, branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life; but Allah has the excellent return with him."

[Surah Aale-Imran 3:14]

Allah promises better reward for those who put Allah first and stay true to their religion. Allah then commands the believers to have as much Taqwa (fear/awareness of Allah) as one is able to or as much as one can endure.

The Messenger of Allah said,

"When I command you to do something, do as much as you can of it, and whatever I forbid for you, then avoid it."

The next command is to listen and to obey what Allah and His Messenger command to do and do not stray from it to the right or left. Any path except the Sirat-al-mustaqeem (the straight/right path) should not be chosen by a true believer because Allah promises success and neverending reward at the end of the right path for the believers. The command also means to not utter a statement or make a decision before Allah and His Messenger issue a statement or decision. A believer should not ignore what he is ordered to do, nor commit what he is forbidden from doing.

Another command in the same verse is to give charity for ones own betterment meaning, give from what Allah has granted you to your relatives, the poor, the needy and the weak. Be kind to Allah's creatures, just as Allah was and still is kind with you. This will be better for the believers themselves in this life and the Hereafter.

Giving charity requires one to be charitable, ungreedy and selfless. Charity also decreases love for wealth from a believer's heart and Allah's love becomes dominant in his heart. Hence it has many rewards of the Hereafter and benefits of this world as well. Allah calls those who are saved from their own greed as the successful ones.

Whatever one spends in Allah's cause, then Allah replaces it, and on Him will be the reward of whatever one gives away in charity. Allah considered giving charity as if it is a loan to Him, just as Allah said in a Qudsi Hadith,

"Who will give a loan to He Who is neither unjust nor poor?"

This is why Allah the Exalted said in Surat Al-Baqarah,

"So that He may multiply it to him many times."

[Surah Baqarah 2:245]

As a reward for obeying these commands, Allah assures forgiveness of sins and says that He will erase the mistakes of the believers. This is because Allah is very Merciful. Another quality of Allah is mentioned that is Allah is Al-Shakur meaning, He gives abundantly in return for what was little and He is the Appreciator.

Allah's name means Al-Haleem is mentioned which means He forgives, pardons, covers and absolves the sins, mistakes, errors and shortcomings of those who obey him and the Messenger, have Taqwa, give charity and pardon their enemies.

The surah ends with the mention of Allah's vast knowledge of the seen and unseen as Allah is the Wise and Knower of all things. This is also a reminder that Allah knows the intentions of the hearts hence those who do good deeds must purify their intentions beforehand and must direct their deeds only for the pleasure of Allah and not for the pleasure of His creations. The reward is based mainly on intentions hence they must be pure and for Allah only.

Things we learnt:

> Allah bewares the believers from the disbelievers in their own house and reminds them that they must not be distracted from Allah's remembrance by any means.

> Allah commands to pardon and forgive the enemies of Islam as forgiving is the characteristic of Allah also.

> Allah tests us through wealth and offspring and assures reward for those who persist through good and bad situations.

> To have Taqwa as much as one can.

> To listen and obey Allah and His Messenger.

> Give charity and be free from love and greed for wealth to become successful.

> Giving charity is equal to giving loan to Allah and Allah multiplies that amount many times and returns it to the believers.

> Those who obey these commands are forgiven.

> Allah is Shakur (Appreciating), Haleem (Forgiving), Knower of seen and unseen and the all Wise.

May Allah guide us to the right path.
Wama alayna illal balaghul mubeen.

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