Chapter 55

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You know someone's special when you feel perfectly happy even when you both are just lying around, in total silence, doing absolutely nothing

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You know someone's special when you feel perfectly happy even when you both are just lying around, in total silence, doing absolutely nothing.

Tyler and I were cuddled up together, on his bed, a tangle of warm limbs and soft sighs, and I couldn't remember the last time I had been so happy.

"You're staring, " he mumbled, his eyes closed, a smile playing on his lips.

"Sorry." I nuzzled into his chest and closed my eyes.

I heard him chuckle, before he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer. "Don't be, I like it."

"You do?"

"I just like having your attention." He kissed the top of my head and I grinned. "Ugh, it makes me sound like a sap."

I pulled away the tiniest bit to look at his face and kissed his jaw. "It does, but I like that about you, " I murmured. "It's not easy to tell someone how you feel. It's not easy to be vulnerable. I know that because I'm always struggling with it. And it never mattered before, but now..."

"What?" He whispered, his eyes intent on mine.

"Now I'm scared because you make me want to change...and I sometimes feel I'm not strong enough for that."

I know now that being vulnerable required a great deal of strength. To opening your wounds, showing your pain and letting yourself feel things, is the biggest risk of all.

It was a chance to be exploited or to be loved like never before...and when I looked at him, I knew I'd be willing to risk it all.

I was so fucked.

"You're one of the strongest people I know, Tiger. Maybe you don't realize that, so I'll just keep reminding you of that fact for as long as it takes for you to believe it." He cupped my face with his hand, his eyes tender. "You don't know how goddamn lucky I feel to call you mine."

I bit my lip, trying to overcome the lump in my throat, and said nothing. I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch. Soaking up his warmth, his words.

"God, you're beautiful, " I heard his soft whisper.

My heart stuttered in my chest. I opened my eyes to find his gaze roving over my face. His thumb gliding over my lower lip.

"You want to kiss me now, don't you?" I gave him an impish grin.

"I do." He smiled, bumping his nose against mine.

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Good question, " he murmured, his head dipping towards mine.

I closed my eyes when his lips brushed against mine. I wound my arms around his neck, coaxing him closer and he obliged by slowly climbing on top of me. His big body covering mine.

"Is this okay?" He whispered.

Instead of answering him, I leaned up and captured his lips again, in a slow deep kiss that rushed through me like a tornado, making all the painted shut doors and windows inside me, rattle and shake, threatening to break open.

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