Chapter 49

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The next morning when I walked into the kitchen, all ready for my shopping excursion with Ash, I found Mom and Dad in the middle of a serious conversation

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The next morning when I walked into the kitchen, all ready for my shopping excursion with Ash, I found Mom and Dad in the middle of a serious conversation.

"Hey, " I said, tentatively. "Good morning."

"Good morning, " My dad said and they both gave me a bright smile.

"You're up early." My mom shot me a confused look. "I thought you didn't have any classes today."

"Blame Ashley, " I grumbled. "She's been calling me non-stop."

"What for?" Mom asked.

"She wants to go shopping for the homecoming dance, " I answered, as I poured myself a glass of milk.

I heard Mom gasp and I looked up at her, alarmed. Her eyes were wide when she said, "Oh my God, how could I forget? I'm the worst mother ever!"

I rolled my eyes at her and my Dad chuckled. "It's not a big deal."

"It is a big deal!" She exclaimed. "Is Tyler going to be your date?"

I nodded and my Dad frowned at me. "Who's Tyler?"

"A really charming boy who likes this little grumpy pants." Mom grinned and I rolled my eyes at her.

"You've met him?" Dad shot Mom a confused look, before looking at me.

"Yeah, he stayed here for a night." My Mom answered nonchalantly and I cursed under my breath.

"He did what!?" Dad looked at me then back at my mom. "Jen, how can you be okay with this?"

"Relax. He was trying to help her through something, and they slept in separate bedrooms." Mom put a hand on Dad's shoulder. "Besides, he is a really nice boy."

Dad just grunted in response, clearly not very happy.

I quickly jumped in to change the topic. "So did you guys talk about the restaurant?"

"Yeah, but we haven't been able to come to any firm decision about it." Mom sighed.

"It's okay. Take your time, it is a big deal," I answered, grabbing a granola bar.

"Hey, Victor asked you to come and meet him sometime. Maybe you both can work together and brush up your training again," Dad said and I nodded.

"Also, he invited us to use this little cabin he has, out of town, for a few days if we want. I think it's a great idea, we all need a little vacation." Dad looked at the both of us.

"Hey!" I suddenly said as a thought occurred to me. "Why don't you guys go there and spend some alone time?"

"Without you?" Mom frowned.

" know with everything that's happened, it'll be nice to rekindle the romance." I wiggled my eyebrow suggestively and my mom snorted.

"We're not leaving you alone." Dad shook his head.

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