Chapter 16

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At 8 am the next morning, I was sitting at the front porch

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At 8 am the next morning, I was sitting at the front porch. All packed and ready, waiting for Avi and Ash to pick me up. My mom packed us some breakfast to go and I also had a small pillow with me, as I planned to have a mini sleep fest at the back seat of Avi's car.

Just as I was beginning to get impatient from waiting, Avi pulled up at my driveway with an over-excited Ash in the passenger seat. I collected my things and walked over to his car.

"Good morning!" Ash chirped from the passenger seat. I just nodded at her and got into the back seat.

As Avi was pulling out of the driveway, I took off my shoes and made myself comfortable. I placed my pillow at one end and my backpack at the other end to prop my legs up.
Satisfied with my cozy set up, I laid down.

Avi eyed me in the rearview mirror and chuckled, "Seriously?"

"Seriously, " I said closing my eyes.

"Oh come on V, it's going to be a beautiful drive up to the beach house and if you roll down the windows the cool morning air feels so fresh against your skin," Ash said. She slightly stuck her head out of the window and took a deep breath then looked back at me.

"You are a morning person, I get it. Stop advertising it and leave me alone, " I groaned.

"You could at least try it, " she said rolling her eyes.

"I would be a morning person if morning happened at around 12 pm."

After that, they didn't bother me the rest of the way and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up with a jump when I felt water droplets trickling down into my ear. When I looked up I found Avi with a water bottle standing outside the car and the door to the back seat wide open.

"You're a monster, " I said and started putting my shoes on.

"What was I supposed to do? It's been fifteen minutes, and I already got all of our bags inside too. You literally can sleep through a storm, " he grumbled.

"It's a gift. Besides, you could wake me up as any normal person would. By calling out my name or something," I glared at him.

"I did. TWICE!"

"Well, you didn't do it loud enough!"

Just then Ashley came towards us and hit us both with some towel-like thing she had in her hand, "Will you both stop bickering and help me clean!"

"Sorry, " I mumbled and we walked towards the house.

Out front, the house had an old rustic feel to it. There was an old slightly creaky porch, with a bench just as old and creaky. The wood was old and discolored. There was about a three feet tall, white fence running around the house with bushes of wildflowers and creepers around it. The beams going from the floor up to the canopied roof were a little chipped.

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