Chapter 50

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"Do you think she'll say yes?" Ryan fidgeted beside me and I rolled my eyes

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"Do you think she'll say yes?" Ryan fidgeted beside me and I rolled my eyes. He'd been nervous about asking Ashley out for the dance, all morning.

"Oh my God, how many more times do you want us to answer that?" Jace groaned and I chuckled. "You're asking her to be your date for the dance, not her hand in marriage!"

Before Ryan could respond, Neil and Avi walked over to us. "Hey! I thought the practice was over. What are you guys still doing at the field?"

"It's officially over, but our Captain here–" Jace said, pointing at me. "–decided to stay and extend the practice, because he wants to see his girl. So I'm keeping him company."

It's been thirty minutes since our practice ended and usually, I'd be home by now, getting some much-needed rest before the big game tomorrow. But not today.
Today, I was dragging out the practice and loitering around with my friends, hoping to see her, talk to her and if I got lucky, maybe spend some time with her.

The girl has me hooked, and I was beyond pretending otherwise.

"My boy is smitten!" Jace clapped my back, while the others laughed.

"Whatever guys, can we just play, " I muttered and ran back towards the field.

We dribbled the ball around for a few minutes when I noticed we had an audience.

Veronica was standing near the bleachers, about twenty feet away, watching us with interest.

Like always she was dressed casually– wearing a plain black t-shirt along with a pair of faded blue jeans, her long dark hair was swept up in a ponytail. And like always, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off her.

Suddenly, I heard someone call out her name, and I turned around to find Josh walking over to her with a bright smile on his face. He gave her a hug, which in my opinion lasted a few seconds longer than necessary, and started talking to her about something.

He was just an old crush, I reminded myself.

She had clearly told me that he was nothing but a friend to her. I shouldn't be jealous. I shouldn't have this intense urge to walk over to her and kiss her senseless, just so that I could make it clear that she was mine. But I did.

When did I turn into such a caveman?

I seemed to have acquired a problem and felt like I was going through puberty again. I always stared at her for a beat too long, my mind was a hazy mess of raw sensations when I was around her and I was so damn protective over her, it was getting ridiculous. 

The only thing that brought me some satisfaction was that she seemed just as distracted as I was. She kept glancing over at us, and whenever her eyes met mine, I felt my heart tug.

"Hey, Ty!" Jace's words registered in my brain a split second before the ball hit me in the stomach catching me off guard and eliciting a loud grunt.

Jace and Neil burst out laughing, and I quickly glanced over at Veronica, who was no longer looking at us but was suppressing a smile. She'd seen everything.

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