Chapter 12

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The next morning while I was walking up to the little brick building for my extra class, I was still sleepy and barely managing in keeping my eyes open so that I wouldn't fall into a ditch or trip over my own feet

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The next morning while I was walking up to the little brick building for my extra class, I was still sleepy and barely managing in keeping my eyes open so that I wouldn't fall into a ditch or trip over my own feet.

On such special moments in my life (usually early in the morning), I couldn't help but contemplate all my life choices. God, why did I have to be so uptight? What career? What future? Who wanted to be responsible? All I wanted was to curl up in some warm corner and go back to sleep like a furry little animal.

Plus it did not help that Ash kept me up all night planning for tomorrow. Her mom was quick to agree after she learned that I'll be going too, and so we had almost pulled an all-nighter planning about the weekend ahead on a video call. My mom had a harder job than usual to wake me up today since there was no wake-up call from Ash. I assumed she was still sleeping, ugh...lucky.

When I got to the class I let out a groan when I saw the professor for the day hadn't even come yet. I was already 20 mins late and he still wasn't there! I quickly scanned the room for Tyler, Ryan, orJace, but I didn't spot anyone. There were some guys I didn't recognize sitting at the corner of the class and laughing at something. How could someone even laugh so early in the morning? Everyone said that I had a resting bitch face every morning.

I turned around to walk out of the class when I bumped into someone, really hard. Rubbing my forehead I looked up glaring to see who it was, and found Tyler.

"Whoa! Who spit in your cereal today?" he asked, looking at my murderous expression.

"I didn't even have my breakfast!" I almost sobbed when I remembered that.

I moved around him and walked out of the class. He followed me to a bench under a tree, outside the class, and took a seat at the far-end corner, eyeing me curiously.

"So are you hungry or sleepy?" he asked.

"I was only sleepy and angry but now thanks to you I'm hungry too."

He chuckled. "Why are you even here? The session is on Arts today, are you interested in that field?"

"No! I forgot to check my schedule beforehand." I sighed. "And why are you here?" 

"Football practice. I just finished it. I was walking back to my jeep when I spotted you being all grumpy." He smiled. "Come on, Let's go!"

"Go where? The class hasn't begun yet."

"Maybe it'll be canceled. Maybe not. Either way, we are skipping today." He got up and looked at me expectantly. I just stared up at him, a little reluctant to skip a class, even if it was totally useless to me.

"It's not like you will miss anything. Let's go get you some breakfast," he said and started walking towards the parking area.

I quickly got up to follow him. He had me at the mere mention of breakfast.

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