Chapter 20

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I had just managed to get a few hours of sleep before I woke up to the sound of laughter and chatter around me

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I had just managed to get a few hours of sleep before I woke up to the sound of laughter and chatter around me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that everyone and I mean every single person in the house was in my room talking and laughing about something. Ashley and Sam were sitting on the bed and Tyler was sitting on the chair in a corner half asleep. Avi, Jace, Ryan, Neil, and Erick were on the floor propped up on pillows and blankets.

"What the hell is this? Party at Veronica's room?" I mumbled, sleepily and everyone turned to look at me.

"Opposite actually, we are nursing our after party hangovers in your room," Jace said lifting a glass of some weird-looking liquid.

Ryan must have noticed my disgusted look, so he said, "It's my mom's recipe, and it works like magic. Do you want some?"

"No, thank you. I don't really have a hangover." I smiled at him then looked at the others, "However, what I do want is some sleep! So please, will you guys just kindly get the hell out of here."

"It's already 11 am, it's our last day here! Come on, get up!" Ash whined and tried to snatch my blanket but I slapped her hand away. "It's technically my room too, so we are not leaving until you wake up."

"Late night activities, do tend to tire you out, " Jace said giving me a knowing smile, "But you can catch up with your sleep when you get home later."

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Tyler who was already looking at me with a lazy smile of his own.

"What am I missing here?" Neil asked.

"Nothing! I'm awake. Let's go," I sat up, and Jace chuckled 

Everyone gave me a weird look, but I brushed it off. "Do we have some breakfast? I'm starving, " I said in an attempt to change the topic.

"Yeah, I made some hash browns and we have leftover pizza from yesterday too, " Ryan said.

"Hash browns!? Ryan, you're officially my new favorite person, " I said and he gave me a sheepish smile.

I shooed everyone out of the room and took a shower and got changed. Before I went downstairs I called my mom and checked all my messages. There still wasn't any reply from Julian on the last message I left him, asking if everything was okay. I tried calling him, but every one of my calls went unanswered.

Was he pissed? Did something bad happen? Every possible worst-case scenario started running in my mind.

I sent him another text- Why aren't you answering my calls? Is everything okay? I am worried. Please call me back as soon as possible.

When I went downstairs, I found Ash sitting on the couch, looking at her phone with a frown on her face. I went inside the kitchen and got my breakfast, then plopped down beside her.

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