Chapter 31

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It was freezing in here for a minute, but now I was getting used to it

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It was freezing in here for a minute, but now I was getting used to it. I knew I was being reckless and probably weird tonight. But I didn't care.

It felt good to not think about every single thing you do, and just do what you feel like in the moment. My brain had checked out for tonight, and I let my heart have the reins.

"Are you going to join me or what?" I asked Tyler, who was still standing there and gawking at me.

"Umm yeah, " he said and took off his shoes.

"Take off your hoodie, it gets heavier in the water and makes it difficult to swim."

"Okay, " he said then pulled his hoodie over his head and...Holy mother of god!

I was once again reminded of Tyler in all his bare-chested glory.

I could see tiny little droplets running down his well-defined torso and my mouth went dry. I shook my head and focused on his face, and he was looking at me with a knowing smirk. Busted.

I cleared my throat and said, "Ahm...get in the water, yeah?"

So that I won't keep staring at you like a creep all night!

He dived in, making a big splash, that almost had me drowning.

He resurfaced with a gasp, his lips parted in a grin, water dripping down his handsome face. The dark shadows the moonlight created accentuated the commanding and chiseled features on his face. He shook his head, before pushing his wet hair back from his forehead.

"Damn! It's freezing, " he said.

"Give it some time. It'll get better."

We swam around for a little while, basking in the moonlight and the light rain shower, just added to the beauty of it all. It was nice to let go, and live in the moment. And this was what I really needed - this place, the rain and him.

"It's beautiful here. So peaceful and quiet," he said breaking my train of thoughts.

"Isn't it?" I smiled at him. "Nobody usually comes here, it's like my own personal hideaway."

"Thank you for sharing it with me. Even though I kinda forcefully invited myself along with you, " he said with a sheepish smile, that made me laugh.

"You're welcome. I admit, in the beginning, I was slightly mad at both you and Julian for practically stalking me. But I am glad you are here right now," I said and his smile widened.

"So...a late-night dip in the rain? Can I count that as another first?" I asked.

"Definitely." He grinned and I smiled at him, feeling pretty happy with myself.

"Are you still drunk?"

"I was never drunk! Just a little tipsy. And besides, the rain and the cold water have sobered me up now." I grinned.

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