Chapter 17

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Thankfully Ash woke me up early, so I had enough time to get ready

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Thankfully Ash woke me up early, so I had enough time to get ready. But no amount of time is exactly enough when you have no clue what to wear.

After about 30 minutes of having a mini fashion war in my room, I stood in front of the mirror and assessed myself.

I wore a high waisted dark denim shorts with a black and white crop top which had a neckline that was not too revealing but was flattering enough to draw some attention. I pulled on a  floral kimono and a pair of black-colored flats to finish off the look.

I let my hair loose and used the curling iron I borrowed from Ash, to give my hair the perfect beach waves look. I put on some light makeup and was ready to go.

Ash burst into the room just as I was about to leave and gave me a once over.

"Wait a minute, there's just one thing missing, " she mumbled and sprinted back to her room, and came back within a minute. She held out a multilayered but very thin and delicate chain in her hand. "Put it on."

I took it from her and fastened it around my neck.

"Perfect." she smiled. She was wearing a dark red colored summer dress, and her makeup was light except her crimson red lips.

"You look great, " I said.

"I know." She smiled and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Let's go,  people are already filling in. And Neil will be here any minute, " she said dragging me out of the room.

Just as we were making our way downstairs, I noticed a new message on my phone. It was Julian, and I couldn't help the smile on my face.

*Hey! Can we meet today?*

*Sorry but I'm kinda away from home. I'll be back by tomorrow evening though. Is everything okay?*  I texted back slightly worried.

I didn't get an immediate reply so I pocketed my phone and reminded myself to check it later.

I noticed that Ash had already disappeared from my side so I walked into the living area which was now turned into a makeshift dance floor. The loud music was shaking the windows and I winced. Balloons and streamers were all over the place, making the place look more festive. Despite the keg, the guys were lugging coolers of beer inside the kitchen.

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around to find Jace. "Hey, you look lost." He smiled.

"I am actually. Where are the others?"

"They are at the back, setting up the barbeque."

"Something I can help with?"

"Not really." He shrugged.

"Oh come on, I feel useless here. Everyone is doing something," I whined and he chuckled.

"Welcome to the club. Tyler and Avi have mostly taken care of everything by themselves. None of us had much to do."

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