Chapter 29

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It had been around 15 minutes since I called Julian, asking him to call Veronica

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It had been around 15 minutes since I called Julian, asking him to call Veronica. I was pacing around the house all alone, going absolutely crazy waiting for him to call me back.

I couldn't get Veronica out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried. That look of defeat on her face had instantly set panic in my chest, but it was the way she completely ignored me and stormed out of the parking lot, without so much as a glance in my direction, that left me gut-punched.

As soon as she left, I spotted Neil, Avi, and Ash walking out of the building, talking amongst themselves with a worried look on their face. I muttered a quick excuse to Courtney and left her despite her protests.

As soon as they saw me approaching, they fell silent.

"What happened? Why was V upset?" I asked cutting straight to the point.

"I fucked up, " Neil groaned. "I shouldn't have pushed her so far."

"Yes. And you shouldn't have lost your damn temper like that." Avi glared at him.

They had started bickering amongst themselves, while I was desperately trying to hold onto my patience.

"WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO? " I yelled trying to get them to shut up and answer me.

"Nothing! I mean..., " Ashley sighed. "We didn't mean to upset her, we just wanted her to talk to us, open up to us. But we completely blew it."

Avi then told me about how they had taken her into an empty classroom, to talk to her and things got out of hand. She blew up on them, and I honestly don't blame her. It was certainly not the right way or place to handle it.

But maybe she needed it. She had to somehow let out all the frustration and pain that she kept bottling up, just to put up a brave front.

I always knew she had downplayed the amount of damage Max had caused her that night. But still listening to just how much he had roughed her up, both mentally and physically, was tormenting.

She had some family issues of her own, that Avi didn't elaborate on and I did not pry any further than he was willing to tell me. It was something she had to tell me herself.

"I started this. It's my fault. Maybe she would have come to us in her own time, " Ashley said, her eyes welling up with tears.

"No, she would never do that, " Avi said as he threw an arm around her and gave her a comforting squeeze. "She will always be the one who says, 'I got this' even with tears in her eyes."

My little tiger, I thought with a wry smile. She was there for me that night at the beach house, she gave me the comfort I never knew I needed. It was time I did the same for her. Even if she pushes me away, I had to try.  I need to find her. I need to see her.

"She is not answering my calls, " Neil said with a frown.

"Maybe she will talk to you?" Ash looked at me hopefully.

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