Chapter Nine: What's Proper?

Start from the beginning

Vivian looked at Ben in confusion. "Shall I not be with you at your residence?"

"The carriage ride calls upon you to change from your day dress to something more fitting. Charlotte will instruct you on this topic tomorrow." His sister nodded to him.

Radley saw her and smiled. "Thank you," he said in a low tone. "I look forward to our outing."

Vivian watched the smiles between Radley and Charlotte. However, as she glanced at Benny, she found him fighting his laughter. He winked at her and she laughed because he knew that she was helping Radley with the courtship.

His horse tossed his head to gain leverage to run. "Shall we race back?" she asked.

"Lead on, my sweet." Throughout the day he had freely used endearments. Her acceptance gave him encouragement. He had feared their long absence would have created estrangement, instead, she was eager.

Their enjoyment of the ride had time passing quickly. When they returned to the Brighton residence, instead of tying their mounts out front as before, Radley led them to the stables behind the house.

Vivian watched as Benny dismounted and gave the reins to one of the stable boys. He stepped beside her and held his arms up for her. She released her foot from the stirrup and leaned into his waiting arms. "You have always been able to lift me. I am glad you can continue to do so," she said as he set her down.

"I remember how you loved to be chased and then thrown into the air after I caught you. Now that you are grown, I pray you will be content with less vigorous actions. I could drop you if we try to repeat such activity." Though, he did have an image of tossing her on the bed once they married. Such an image would only lead to more intimate moments with her, so he fought it by remembering her young age.

He had been unaware of staring at her face for such a lengthy time, but she recognized it. "You thoughts drifted to sea, did they not?"

He offered his arm. "Fear not. You were with me." He smiled when she giggled.

Radley watched the stable master help Ruth down from her horse, so he eagerly stepped beside Charlotte to help her dismount. Instead of waiting on her to lean down, he cupped his hands around her waist and plucked her down so quickly she fell into him—just as he had hoped.

She stared at his laughing face and fought a grin. He appeared in no hurry to release her, but Ruth spoiled the moment when she hurried to his side and tugged his arm.

"Thank you for riding with us today. Will you have time to share tea with us? Vivian said we would have tea upon our return and enjoy a visit with you and your father."

Bennett noticed how Vivian had frowned at Ruth and knew she was disappointed at his sister's interruption. "Come along Ruth. He will likely spare you a moment.

Vivian smiled with pleasure and then took Ben's hand leading him towards a pair of French doors that entered into her library. She swung the door open and pointed at the flowers he had given to her sitting on her desk. They had been placed in a crystal vase with the ribbon tied around the outside.

"Ben, this is my sanctuary. Father presented me with this room when I was twelve. I now believe his guilt of separating us had something to do with it." She slipped her gloves off and set them on the desk.

He smiled at her assessment and his sisters stepped inside with Radley. Charlotte spotted the flowers immediately and came closer.

Ben told her, "Vivian desires a book on etiquette to read. Would you have one she may borrow?"

"That would be the Debrett's Peerage. Debutantes use the book as a guide for the season. It has rules and the ranks of the elite, though some suggestions come from the women of the ton. Mother gave it to me when I was sixteen. I will bring it tonight."

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