Epilogue 2

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"The professor has a son?" Miya and Kaoru exclaimed.

"You guys didn't know?" Butch asked.

"You did?" Kaoru asked, she looked pretty comfortable sitting on his lap.

"No." He shook his head, "I thought you guys were really close. How don't you Know his family?"

I thought so too. The same question has been ringing in my head.

How didn't we know.

Now that I think about it the only relationship we shared with him was him as the genius scientist that gave us powers and us as the ppgz. We loved him as a father and he probably also saw us as his daughters but when we weren't PPGZ our relationship ended. We never went into personal details of our lives and he never did the same with us. If not for the fact that he made us, he wouldn't even know our real names.

"I don't think we were actually as close as we thought we were." Bubbles said solemnly.

There was a heavy silence. We weren't that close but he lost his life because of us.

Butch cleared his throat, "So now the professors son has brick and Boomer and is going to come after me next to get revenge for his dad."

I nodded.

"But why now?"

"I don't think anyone ever told him how his dad died."

I don't think anyone actually knew how he died except us. After we escaped that day, the only people we got in contact with were our parents and it was only Bubbles dad we told about the Professor. We didn't mention the part the boys played in killing him; back then we were very scared of the boys, we were scared if he went after them he would also loose his life like the Professor did.

But how did ken find out?

"That makes sense." Butch replied.

No it didn't, no one knew except us but how did he?

"You should be able to find out where they are, can't you?" Miyako asked Kaoru.

She shook her head, "I can't feel their energy."

Her face paled.

"They're not dead. They might not be going through any strong emotions. Pain, fear." She added. "Besides, whoever took them is using Chemical X, therefore it would mask their energy."

"Then you should be able to find them using chemical X. It should have a really powerful smell, you should be able to sniff it out right buttercup?"

"I can feel energy that comes out from our emotions Momo. Chemical X is just...not energy. It attract energy then kills it."

"If chemical x attracts energy  then it can only be used in a secluded place; to not draw attention.like an abandoned factory in the middle of nowhere."

"Do we know any?"

"Yeah, just one."

— —
"You know it's a trap right?" Buttercup asked me. "This is just too obvious."

We were now standing in front of the only building which was secluded from the city. It looked as shabby as I expected it to be, but it was not that bad.

"Yes. But don't worry, he only wants to kill your boyfriend and his friends. We're safe."

My thoughts were distorted, they were in shambles. I wasn't honestly thinking clearly, all I wanted to do was get Brick to safety. I was even risking my life and my sisters. I wasn't sure about Ken not wanting us also, after all, it was part of our fault the Professor is dead.

I took a deep breath, calming my racing heart. "Let's go." When we walked in everything went black.

When I woke up, it was just Miyako, Kaoru and I in a room. We weren't tied up, nothing was done to restrict up from escaping except the walls were laced with chemical X I could barely move my body, I felt so weak.
Kaoru and Miyako were already awake.
"Great plan Momo." Koaru remarked.

I arched a brow, "Whoever said I had a plan?"

The plan was no plan, I just did whatever will get us results.

"Not surprised." She sighed.

"So you're Professor Utoniums son." We heard Miyako say.

A kid, no, not a kid, A guy; he looked around my age if not older was present in the room. How long had he been here?
The resemblance between him and his dad was uncanny. It's was so hard to stare at his face, it reminded me of of my lasts moments with his dad.

He rested back on the chair he was sitting on. It was an ordinary metal chair.

He had a chair while we were sprawled on  the ground.

What a gentleman.

"And you're the Powerpuff girls." He chuckled. "Why are you still hanging out with The rowdy ruff boys?" He asked then added, "After what they did to you."

"They got cute." Bubbles replied. I think the chemical x was making her loopy.

He smirked. Shit, he's cute. Had nothing on Brick though, wait what....

"If you're trying to kill them to get revenge for your dad. This might be news to you but it wasn't them. It was Majo who killed him."

His smirk was replaced with a scowl, "I'm not stupid. You're just trying to save your boyfriend's."

I scoffed, "Brick's not my boyfriend."

Only if Brick was here, I would have loved to see his reaction.

The girls eyed me, "But yes, we're trying to save them. By telling you the truth."

"You're lying."

"I wish I was. I just found out. We tried to kill them too, if we hadn't found out they would have been dead."

"I thought they're your soulmates or something." He stared at me perplexed.

"I hate traitors." I spat.

He remained quiet before he asked. "What happened to Majo?"

"The fact she has a family happened. We couldn't."

He scoffed, "That's not going to stop me."

"It should and it would."

"She killed my dad!" He snapped at me.

"We understand, he was like a dad to us."

"But he was my dad. My blood." He put effort on MY making sure it hurt.

It did.

"If you want to find her, she's in Goergia. She has a cute little farm and everything." Kaoru told him.

"Kaoru." I snapped.

"What!" She snapped back, "we aren't judges, we can't determine who was wrong or not."

She was right, who were we to play judge and jury and claim Majo innocent, we have no right. She killed a human being, a good person, HIM and Mojo were monsters, they deserved their death.

She faced him with seriousness then added, "if you do end up killing her, don't regret it."

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