Chapter 2: Escape

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I froze the room and my body to as cold as it could get. My skin had turned a light shade of blue, it was not normal how i was still surviving. I needed to have energy to produce enough heat inside me to prevent my heart from freezing up; that energy which i lacked right now. if the walls around me were made of steel I would have been crushed. Brick burst open the doors and saw me lying lifeless on the bed but he wasn't moved by it because he had seen me do this before, Why did i bother doing this again?
Oh yea, it might get him to soften and loose his guard. I didn't have any faith in this plan though.
"It would be ironic if the ice witch died of cold, wouldn't it?" he said resting on the side of the door. "You think this is a joke don't you?" He took a threatening step into the room. "You killed mojo and HIM this and you think you can play with this!" He got angrier as i ignored him.
I needed him to get closer to me, even if i have to make him raging mad.
"I hate you! I hate you so much!" He stormed to me and wrapped his hands around my neck.
I gasped, his hands were hot, too hot. It thawed the ice on my skin.
"You killed them." He screamed in my face.
"What did you expect he tried to kill us?" I choked out.
"You could have stopped them."
"And we did." I grabbed his arms and with the last of my strength i willed all the ice around me unto him, he fell to the groaned with a scream. I limped as fast as i could away from the room and into the hallway. The corridor was the worst place i could have been it. It was filled with screams; screams from my sisters, Brick was actually nicer to me. I fell to the ground with my hands on my ears trying to tune out the sounds but it was working. Tears flooded my eyes as i screamed. Why wasn't it working? Their voices just got louder.
"You want that, huh?" Brick voice made my heart race. I tried to escape him again but he caught me by my hair, he pulled me by my hair and dragged me back to my prison.
He pushed me in roughly. I crawled away from him as i sobbed.
"Please don't hurt me." I pleaded crawling away from him as he took steps forward.
"You want your sisters to suffer alone that's really selfish," he said shaking his head "You asked how we are going to get revenge, well mojo was like our dad and the professor is your dad so I think you pretty much know what I am going to do,"
Dread filled my face.
"No you can't!! Cause we killed your evil fathers doesn't mean you can take a good man from this world."
He crouched in front of me casing me to whimper, his fingers traced my collarbone up to my cheek stroking it tenderly.
His hand cupped my face roughly forcing me to look at but i couldn't, i didn't want to look in his bloodlust eyes. "I love you blossom." He said all of a sudden.
He loves me? Did he think this was a joke, is this how he shows his love? By torturing me and my sisters.
The rage i felt gave me enough courage to look into his eyes.
"I hate you." My eyes were filled disgust.
I made him so mad he grabbed me by my neck and slammed me against the wall. The wall cracked a little bit while blood ran down the back of my head, I groaned slightly but I managed to hide my pain.
He still held me anchored to the wall. "It isn't my fault I can't love someone like."
He Let go of me then left and came back about a minute later with a needle in his hand; he took the needle into my neck without the normal struggle of holding me down.

"You could have saved them if you wanted to," I said


"Your lies don't work on me," I paused because the effect of the drug was getting stronger "Why are you doing this," I continued before I finally passed out.
When I woke up I was strapped to the chair and I had a change of clothes. The alarm clock beeped at exactly 7am, why will he need me to be awake at this time. My stomach grumbled harshly because I hadn't eaten for 2 days now. Brick walked in with a tray but this time it wasn't food it was towels.
"We went to your house but the professor wasn't there so I need you to tell me where he is."
I smiled ruefully, "What are you going to do, beat me up?"
"You're sexy when you're serious," he said, he came closer to me and ripped my bandage off the placed his hand over my burns "I love you blossom so please,"
'Don't beg her' I heard a voice say.
"I am going to ask you once more, where is the professor!" he yelled. His eyes had turned cold again.
I could have sworn a heart glow in them.
"I think you have to do more than yelling." I replied taunting him.
i was never going to give up the professor no matter what he did to me.
He made a fireball on my already burnt waist making me scream really loudly. I screamed for so long I felt myself tiring out, he then removed his hand. Before he could speak again boomer walked in.

"We got it," he said

Boomer looked at me and smirked; he walked over to me and super punched me making blood spill from my mouth.

"I think you have mistaken me for bubbles, touch me again and you will never feel anything in your entire life." I said with a smile as blood covered my teeth
Several hours had gone by before they walked in with professor, buttercup and bubbles. Bubbles and buttercup looked beat up bad but the professor worse.
Buttercup and bubbles were placed in chairs beside me but the professor at my front.

"Professor," I called out worriedly, he looked at me with both fear and love in his eyes' "it's.... not......them," he said.
He was beat up really badly. Those bastards.
I noticed butch and boomer watching us like we were some sort of cartoon, which was sick. Brick walked over to me and whispered in my ear.
"Remember how you killed mojo," and I whispered back, "Repeating that line doesn't justify what you have done," He smiled and walked back to the professor; bubbles and buttercup were starting to wake up but were too drowsy to realize what was going on. Brick made a small fireball and threw it into the professor throat. I watched the fire slowly eat the professor inside out till he finally turned to dust.
"No!!!," bubbles and I screamed in unison. Suddenly I felt a sonic wave come out from my throat smashing the boys into the wall. All my ropes were loosened by the energy that came from me. I stood up and hit them multiple times but this time it came from my hands. Blood spilled from their mouths and noses as I hit them repeatedly, I could say this was sadistic but I was actually enjoying it.
"Blossom," bubbles called "That's enough," I went over to bubbles and loosened all her ropes. I turned my attention to buttercup but I couldn't bear to see her in her condition.
"I cracked," she sobbed.
"I told them were the professor was. I'm sorry. I just wanted the pain to stop. She hurt me so much." She answered as tears rolled down her face. I put my hands on her face and tucked her hair behind her ear.
Wait, She? That's not important right not, she must be delusional.
'It wasn't your fault', I turned around to face bubbles and she was deeply staring at boomer surprisingly I could read her mind and what I saw wasn't pleasant. "Bubbles take buttercup outside I will catch up with you," I said. As they left I walked up to brick and picked him up, I leaned closer to him and planted a small kiss. 'You deserve this' I said before I hit him with another plasma blast.
Flashback over

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