Chapter 19

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Bricks POV
How could I forget her, after the incident she disappeared, why didn't I think she would want to get revenge on the girls for Mojo and HIM's death, after all she lived with them since she was a baby. I should have been able to put two and two together.

All this time I hated myself because I thought I killed Blossom, also because I couldn't think of any reason why I did so but it was all Majo's doing.
I feel like I have been cheated, I didn't need all that sadness, I didn't need all that self hate but then again, it was my powers Majo used to hurt Blossom, it was my body, I was so weak that I couldn't fight her control over me.

"Blossom, wait." I called out when she was about to fly away. "I'm sorry."
Was that a smile I saw flash across her face? It probably wasn't.

I coughed up a few drops of blood as I struggled to get up, shit, she really messed me up, I deserved this. But wait, if she attacked me does that mean Bubbles and Buttercup might have gone after my brothers. I rushed home.

I was already calling out to them immediately I walked through the door. "Boomer, Butch are you..." I stopped mid sentence by the sound of a woman laughing.

"Then why are you blushing?" I heard her say.

What the-

"Brick? Brick what the hell happened to you?" Boomer rushed to me after he noticed me walk into the living room.

He tried touching my wounds but I flicked his hand away, my eyes not leaving the girl on the couch.
That girl Kaoru or should I say Buttercup was in our living room on our couch and in Butch's arms. What happened and why was she wearing his clothes, did they? No, they couldn't have.

"Blossom happened." I answered Boomer still facing kaoru. This felt so normal but weird at the same time. I will never forget the sight of them being together considering the fact that Butch was always  bold enough to invite Bc to our teen home even when HIM  and Majo were home. But the fact that it's her makes it weird. I thought she was dead, I thought she would have hated him. But there they were in each other's embrace like the past never happened. "why are you here?"

"What do you mean?" She had an oblivious expression on her face.

Why she playing innocent now. She's the craziest one of the girls, so I thought she would have messed Butch up the most and not smile at him. "I thought you know."

She continued staring at me with doe eyes. "I don't."

"Brick, can we talk in the kitchen?" Butch interrupted her.

He had taken his arm from her shoulder and leaned forward letting his eyes add the command to his request.
I stared back and forth between him and BC. "Sure and you too Booms."
He definitely needs to be part of this conversation. He grumbled then followed us into the kitchen.

What a big baby.

"What happened?" I asked him.
"I'm also curious." Boomer added carrying a stool with him to the kitchen island.

He furrowed his brows and crossed his arms. "What do you mean what happened?"
He seemed genuinely confused.

I hissed out of agitation, him using my questions against me annoyed me. "how come she didn't want to kill you?"

"Why would she want to kill me?"
Okay, I detected a hint of sarcasm.

"Because she didn't know Majo was controlling us and used us to hurt them." Boomer suggested.

"Why wouldn't she know? Wait, so you're saying... Bubbles and Blossom fucked you up because they didn't know?"

"How would they have known when we didn't?"

"You guys didn't know?"

I took a step forward, "What do you mean by 'you guys didn't know'?"

"I knew. I thought we all did." His hands dropped to his side.

"If we did, do you think we would have been beating ourselves up all this time, don't you think we would have gone after Majo?" I yelled in his face. "you fucking knew this whole time it was our sister and you didn't say anything."

"How was i meant to know you guys didn't. We never talked about it." He defended.

I was about to respond but was interrupted by kaoru. "You guys fucking told Bubs and blossom about Majo!" Panic flashed across her face. "Shit." She ran out of the kitchen.

Butch was about to go after her but I gripped his collar.

"What do you want Brick?" He hissed.

"Let him go Brick he didn't Know." Boomer said, siding with him.

"Forgot about not knowing, why  was he being a coward and not going after Majo."

"Aren't I allowed to be scared? Majo isnt some accident like us, she is the fucking real deal." He yelled back.

"Brick," Boomer called me "If we don't go after the girls now, we will actually loose them again.... permanently."
Sorry for the late update again. I haven't been busy but lazy.
I will still deffinitely not update early. I'm terrible, I know.

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